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David Letterman's new Santa retirement look. New photos of Letterman jogging on the Caribbean island of St. Barts show a bald, heavily bearded guy who's almost unrecognizable as the gap-toothed jester who spent 33 years smirking at guests on national TV. More than one commenter has noted his sudden resemblance to a certain red-suited Christmas icon. Letterman, 68, has kept mostly a low profile since retiring in May 2015. He made a cameo at the Indy 500, attended Michael J. Fox's benefit to fight Parkinson's disease in New York in November and then showed up a few weeks later for an onstage chat at his alma mater, Ball State. Once active on Twitter, he hasn't tweeted since last July, when he made a surprise appearance at a San Antonio, Texas, show by fellow comedians Martin Short and Steve Martin.

Letterman has appeared in public before with his silver, increasingly bushy beard. 新網專題 現代唐伯虎 全能藝術家-曾肅良專訪. 現代唐伯虎 全能藝術家-曾肅良專訪 〔新網記者林榮芳台北特稿〕 「若說藝術是人生的大夢,那麼在精確、幾何與剛硬的現實世界裡,我選擇沈醉,寧願獨行,寧願在想像的領域裡清狂、迷惘與酩酊。」 還記得2008年《一位都會文人的遊蕩日記》彩墨書法創作展嗎? 一條條蜿蜒的高速公路,看似西方意像卻又融合東方山水的創作,令人印象深刻又過目難忘的彩墨書法,正是現任國立台灣師範大學藝術史研究所專任教授曾肅良的作品。 曾肅良是位多才多藝的綜合型藝術家,從小擁有多元廣泛的興趣,尤其特別喜歡文學、繪畫、音樂,努力學習及專研的結果讓它不僅是興趣,更成為專業! 從古董文物公司總經理祕書、節目企劃、雜誌主編到雜誌創辦人,豐富的職涯經歷為他累積了不少實務經驗,爾後出國進修取得英國萊斯特大學博物館學博士學位,更加強了文物藝術品味、審美眼光及專業研究實力。 回國後不僅將西方習得文化融入自身創作,也不忘投入教育行列,現在為多所大學教授,在台灣藝術研究領域也佔有一席之地。 1961年生於台灣屏東的曾肅良,從小就學習繪畫和書法,並參加管樂團主奏小號及薩克管。 曾肅良從國中開始接觸鋼琴,高中開始學長笛,但卻因為學習過程斷斷續續,接觸的時間也不夠長,所以導致學而不精。 1980年曾肅良考取師範大學美術學系,但對於音樂的熱愛程度卻不減反增。 曾肅良說,當時音樂系的男生很少,所以就公開徵求想一起參與巡迴公演的男演唱者,結果我錄取唱男高音的部分,那是我第一次參加音樂演出活動,至今令我難以忘懷。 曾肅良唸碩士時即在寒舍古董文物公司擔任總經理秘書,負責國內外古董鑑定與採購的工作,老闆又常派他去世界各地採購藝術品,所以累積了不少實務經驗,也開啟了個人古文物收藏與研究的生涯。 曾肅良提到,碩士畢業後,我就被財訊的創辦人邱永漢找去當畫廊經理,也幫他們財經雜誌寫藝術投資專欄,後來成立典藏雜誌,但我還是想從事自己最喜歡的創作與研究,我想做一個自由人,不想在公司上班,所以取得博士學位返國後,決定投入教育行列,當時已經39歲了。

2001年曾肅良取得英國萊斯特大學博物館學博士學位,現任國立台灣師範大學美術研究所擔任專任教授、國立台灣藝術大學及華梵大學美術研究所兼任教授,同時也是國父紀念館展覽審查委員。 曾肅良自我解剖可以很理性也可以很感性,寫學術文章時可以寫得很嚴謹,繪畫時也可以很天馬行空的創作。 在藝術領域有所成就的藝術家中,曾肅良算是較年輕的。 Donald Trump Can't Stop Tweeting about Megyn Kelly. Donald Trump responded yet again in his ongoing feud with Fox News, tweeting Sunday he would not let up attacks against anchor and host Megyn Kelly. The Kelly File is one of the highest rated prime time cable news shows. Fox News issued a statement last week blasting The Republican front runner for having a “sick obsession” with the Kelly File host. “Donald Trump’s vitriolic attacks against Megyn Kelly and his extreme, sick obsession with her is beneath the dignity of a presidential candidate who wants to occupy the highest office in the land,” Fox News’ statement reads.

The presidential candidate has expressed disdain for Kelly since the early days of the campaign. Western education vs Chinese: which creates more successful young people? | Education Post. Indonesian mentally ill kept shackled in filthy cells. For 15 years, she lived in darkness and isolation. "She became destructive, dug up other people's crops and ate raw corn from the plant. I was ashamed and scared," Kosasih said. He first bound her wrists and ankles with cables but she managed to untie herself. So for years, Kosasih kept her in the room, pushing in plates of food twice a day through a hole in the wall. No one entered to clean up. Pasung -- the practice of confining or restraining relatives with mental health problems -- was banned in Indonesia in 1977 but remains startlingly common.

According to Human Rights Watch (HRW), more than 57,000 people in Indonesia "with real or perceived psychosocial disabilities" have been shackled or locked up in confined spaces at least once in their lives. Around 18,800 people are kept in pasung today, HRW said in a new report released Monday. A spokesman for the Indonesian Health Ministry has not yet responded to a request for comment. Aid workers suffer mental health crisis Persistent beliefs. Brazil Q&A: South America's largest country in turmoil. The latest crisis began when federal police took former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva in for questioning as part of a long-running corruption investigation. A few days later, his handpicked successor and protege, President Dilma Rousseff, named him chief of staff, a move that largely protects him from prosecution.

This prompted massive street protests. A legal battle has ensued trying to block Lula's appointment while efforts to impeach the president have gained momentum. Here are some questions and answers about the turmoil roiling South America's largest country: The trouble really began back in March 2014 when Rousseff's party was ensnared in a money laundering investigation into Petrobras, Brazil's state-run oil company. The investigation, dubbed "Car Wash" in reference to the car wash services at gas stations, uncovered a widespread bribery operation.

Here's the way it worked: How does Lula da Silva fit into this? Why are people protesting? Will Rousseff be forced out of office? Essential Singapore dining checklist. He has only two categories -- good and bad -- divided into cheap and not from a city with close to 7,000 restaurants and eateries. We asked the founder of popular food website Makanasutra where he finds his favorite meals -- dishes he says are worthy of being his last.

Here they are, in his words. After one bite of Ember's sakura ebi pasta, I fell over. They use baked, then flavored and braised lobster head oils, to lend it extreme umami. You don't come here for the decor. It's a non-event. A new chef, Sofian Zain, is helming it, but regulars insist that a few specials remain. Long-term menu stayers include the pasta and the slow-cooked Angus short ribs -- cooked sous vide for 60 hours and seared for pleasure. Immigrants Gastrobar Damain De Silva is a maestro who'll cook anything his colorful childhood dictates from his multi-ethnic kitchen -- all served on little enamel platters, tapas style. Indonesian beef rendang, check. Hokkien ngoh hiang rolls, no problem. Rare Eurasian fish stew, done deal. King Tut's tomb: '90%' chance of hidden chambers.

But Nefertiti may be hiding in plain sight. At least, that's according to one recent theory that's set the Egyptology world buzzing. Preliminary findings from a radar scan of the tomb site were announced Thursday, a crucial step in resolving one of ancient Egypt's biggest enigmas. READ MORE: Eight people face charges over broken King Tut mask In the findings, the antiquities minister said they are "90%" sure they found two new chambers behind King Tut's tomb. The scan also revealed metallic and organic material, Minister Mamdouh El Damati said. RELATED: King Tut's 'virtual autopsy' reveals surprises El Damati said they won't move forward with digging unless they are sure the chambers exist. The minister has always been skeptical that Nefertiti is in a chamber behind King Tut. 'Ghost' doorways After extensive analysis of high resolution images published online last year, Reeves spotted cracks in the walls that could indicate two previously unrecognized "ghost" doorways lay behind.

友憶劉天健身體硬朗心直口快 老蕭難過「想念你一整晚」 | 蘋果日報. 蕭敬騰感謝劉天健讓他在錄《最美和聲》時都無後顧之憂,將他視為大哥。 星友悼念【張力文、林丞偉╱台北報導】朋友眼中的劉天健身體硬朗、個性爽朗,偶爾貪杯、吞雲吐霧,每次聚會都聽到他高分貝說話、大口喝酒,但對工作他總是一絲不苟,經常沒日沒夜的熬夜工作。 蕭敬騰(老蕭)與劉天健因合作《最美和聲》成為朋友,視他為「大哥」,對他去世表示:「難過難以用言語表達。」 老蕭透露當初若不是劉天健積極相邀,他也不會擔任中國歌唱節目《最美和聲》的導師,而且劉天健知道他對音樂的堅持,會替老蕭說服相關單位,給他音樂空間,每當選曲、編曲等表演方式出現問題時,也會替他去溝通,讓老蕭表演無後顧之憂。 老蕭也在臉書致意:「我已經想念你一整晚了,從今以後,我們曾經的奮鬥喜悅悲傷快樂,你會把它帶走,我會永遠謹記在心。」 樂團動力火車透露,與他錄歌曲《忠孝東路走九遍》時,光是一句歌詞,要反覆唱3、4個小時,才能達到他的標準,每次錄音都是10個小時起跳,一首歌至少要花3天以上才能錄好,每天收工時天都亮了,可見對於工作的堅持。 許茹芸曾因為唱了5天4夜,仍不知道劉天健要她唱什麼與他僵持不下,但知道他是希望作品好才要求嚴格。 更多文章,都在【蘋論陣線】 有話要說 投稿「即時論壇」 為3.6億 姪爭產 告蔡英文兩兄. 蔡英文主持家族財產會議 蔡英文2兄長證稱,父親過世前半年,指示小妹蔡英文製作家族財產圖表,通知4名兄長一起開財產會議,會議中父親未發言,由蔡英文全程主持。 【法庭中心】總統當選人蔡英文家族富裕但向來低調,《蘋果》接獲爆料,查知蔡家曾爆出2件爭產官司,且均由三房姪子蔡元立發動;蔡元立從8年前起,為爭北市民族東路房屋,以及一筆價值3.6億元土地,先後控告大伯蔡瀛南、蔡英文同母異父的哥哥張柏年,結果1勝1敗,爭回房屋但沒爭到3.6億元。

特殊的是,判決也披露蔡英文深受父親蔡潔生重視,曾製作家族財產圖表,且主持家族會議。 據蔡英文多位兄長在法庭上的陳述,以及代書等證詞,蔡父蔡潔生經營土地不動產等致富,他習慣將資產登記在子女名下,但資產處分、移轉一手掌控。 1991年6月,蔡潔生的三房長子蔡瀛任過世,蔡父決定將蔡瀛任名下資產,由蔡瀛任剛成年的長子蔡元立繼承,但印鑑、權狀等仍由蔡潔生保管,不料此舉竟成為他過世後孫子爭產的引爆點。 判大伯蔡瀛南還屋 2006年7月蔡潔生過世後,蔡元立陸續發動訴訟,2008年初先控告二房大伯蔡瀛南,要求返還北市民族東路一間房屋,他稱該屋是他繼承而得,卻遭以買賣為由移轉到大伯名下。 小英親手畫財產圖 蔡元立2010年改打民事訴訟,指張男取得前述土地後,2008年間再把地賣給宏盛建設,售價3.8億元,要求張男返還前述交易、扣除稅金後的不當得利3.6億元。

蔡元立打官司向大伯蔡瀛南討回位於民族東路的2樓房屋。 置產登記子女名下 雖會議最終無共識未執行,但可見蔡父對蔡英文高度重視。 蔡指僅記錄未主持 律師連元龍昨轉達蔡英文回應,蔡表示父親在過世前約半年,把蔡瀛南、蔡瀛陽、蔡瀛明、蔡瀛政等人叫回家中,交代後事,並要四兄弟各自拿出一點錢來投資賺錢,一方面可照顧其他兄弟姊妹,另一方面也不要讓家庭散去,此會議是父親主持,不是她,她是因為有法律背景,被叫去做記錄,且這個提議最後並沒有結論。 【報你知】借名登記 律師謝岳龍表示,我國不動產是採登記取得所有權制,通常登記掛名為誰,此人即是所有權人,但有些人因為財稅規劃或其他原因,會與他人約定、借用他人名義來登記。 蔡英文父親遺產清單 蔡英文家族爭產官司 有話要說 投稿「即時論壇」 Birth of the female Bollywood superstar. As a female make-up artist in India, just working meant she was breaking the law. In 2014, she finally managed to get a nearly six decade-old defacto ban on female make-up artists -- originally imposed by a male-dominated union to safeguard male jobs -- overturned at India's supreme court. The ruling signaled a historic fork in the road for Bollywood. The 100-year-old industry -- famed for its "item girls", underpaid actresses, and ornamental female characters -- was waking up to the changing role of women in Indian society, and the need to reflect that shift both on set and screen.

"There are now more than 500 female make-up artists practising in Bollywood," says Charu, "They are named in the film credits. On set, they get respect. " A (female) star is born The birth of the female superstar has changed Bollywood dramatically during the past decade, according to film critic Rajeev Masand. It is just one in a slew of recent Bollywood hits with a strong woman in the lead role. Heroes vs heroines. International Women's Day: Gender inequality's expiration date. A century later -- despite many outstanding female achievements and advancements -- the event's original aim of full gender parity has yet to be realized. Read on to find out what it means to be a woman in 2016. As You Like It: Act 2, Scene 7, Page 6. All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players.

They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages. Mewling and puking in the nurse’s arms. Then the whining schoolboy with his satchel And shining morning face, creeping like snail Unwillingly to school. Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad Made to his mistress' eyebrow. Full of strange oaths and bearded like the pard, Jealous in honor, sudden and quick in quarrel, The whole world is a stage, and all the men and women merely actors.

BOOKS OF THE TIMES - Radical Change and Enduring Love. By David Ebershoff 270 pages. Viking. $24.95. The historical fact is that in 1931 a Danish painter named Einar Wegener became the first man ever to be transformed surgically into a woman, changing her name to Lili Elbe and eventually leaking her story to the press. In ''The Danish Girl'' David Ebershoff uses the bare facts of Wegener-Elbe's story to summon a rich imagined universe in which the main event is less the sexual transformation itself than the way that transformation affected other people.

This is Mr. Ebershoff's first novel, and it is a promising one. Still, his novel, which takes place in Copenhagen, Paris and Dresden (where the historical Wegener underwent his surgery), is told with such psychological delicacy that one has the sense things must actually have transpired the way Mr. What makes his imaginative elaboration of a real historical case especially compelling is his portrayal of Greta, who is a wonderfully successful character, more so in many ways than Einar.

An Adventure With Bears And Volcanoes – Kamchatka - Unusual Expedition. Iran votes in first key elections since nuclear deal. Image copyright EPA Millions of Iranians are voting in two key elections - the first since a deal with world powers over Iran's nuclear programme and the lifting of sanctions. Voters are choosing a new parliament and Assembly of Experts, a clerical body that appoints the Supreme Leader. Reformists are hoping to increase their influence in both institutions, which have been dominated by conservatives.

The outcome could affect reformist President Hassan Rouhani's chances of re-election in 2017. What is the Assembly of Experts? Iran elections: Five things to know Elections highlight divisions Punchy politics on social media Image copyright AP Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei called for a big turnout to "disappoint our enemies". "Whoever likes Iran and its dignity, greatness and glory should vote. The parliamentary elections are to choose 290 MPs for four-year terms. Voters will also select 88 clerics to the Assembly of Experts, who serve eight-year terms. 小村長豆花點心集~豆漿製作方法~篇 @ ★amy工作坊~開賣了~有各式養生經典美味小品(可團購) Schema. The word schema comes from the Greek word σχήμα (skhēma), which means shape, or more generally, plan. The plural is σχήματα (skhēmata).

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Iran commander mocks Saudi offer to intervene in Syria. PIE敲開你的升遷大門 - Cheers快樂工作人雜誌. 茲卡病毒究竟有多可怕 - 紐約時報中文網 國際縱覽. 「怎樣,不行被幹嗎?」性交易和通姦除罪,最年輕立委參選人把性愛拉下神壇!-女性主義|LGBT|自由台灣黨|通姦除罪化|性解放|周芷萱|性交易合法化-風傳媒-謝孟穎. 春遊猴賽雷 尋秘境│蘋果日報. 神童能改變世界嗎?虎媽請先學會放手 - 紐約時報中文網 國際縱覽. PAPAGO! | 我要發問. 來自納粹大屠殺期間的藝術 - 紐約時報 國際生活. 伐木業衰退,緬甸大象陷入失業危機 - 紐約時報中文網 國際縱覽. 全台6家最特別的星巴克,值得你專程一訪!-星巴克|咖啡|旅遊|攝影-風傳媒-周佳萱. CS50:一堂超過 800 個哈佛學生選修的「硬課」,魅力何在? | 天下雜誌部落格. 台南洗腎率世界第一! 醫師從小吃「文化密碼」追原因 | ETtoday健康新聞. My Last Day as a Surgeon. Ali M. (Denver, CO)'s review of The Crossroads of Should and Must: Find and Follow Your Passion. Oregon armed protest leader Ammon Bundy seized in deadly clash. Doomsday Clock stays at three minutes to midnight. 冰逝前,格陵蘭島人的生活日常. What Everyday Iranians Have To Say About The Nuclear Deal Now That It’s A Reality. US Snowstorm To Bring Flooding Misery To UK.

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What Processes in the Brain Allow You to Remember Dreams? 2012蔡英文落選感言(台灣有史以來最有風度的落選感言) 我對不起大家!朱立倫辭黨主席 敗選演說全文 | 台灣政治 | 新聞 | 手機版官網 | TVBS官網. 【全文】蔡英文勝選感言:擦乾淚水迎接台灣新時代│即時新聞│20160116│蘋果日報. 【勝選演說全文】化淚水為笑容 蔡英文:我們今天做到了! | 政治. 蔡英文敗選演說全文 「你可以哭泣但不要洩氣」│蘋果日報. How D.C. ended segregation a year before Brown v. Board of Education. Taiwan election: What's at stake. Taiwanese K-pop singer mired in flag row. Donald Trump Questions Ted Cruz's American Citizenship in GOP Debate. Cruz brings up Trump's Scottish mother in rowdy 'birther' fight. Lifull TraveRing - Let your new travel experience in Japan. 「搞笑野生動物攝影獎」,發掘牠們最蠢萌真實面>//< 每日一圖:2015年度精選. Winnie Harlow's changing the face of fashion. Thai beauty ad: 'Just being white, you will win' 學生團隊打造 TapPay 手機支付新技術,三大學生商圈每週可達近 3000 筆交易. 「望子成龍」讓我們的孩子病了嗎? - 紐約時報中文網 國際縱覽. 掌握3原則,進攻未來12大熱門職缺. 丁菱娟:如果重回過去,我會想改變什麼? | SmartM 人才培訓網. 屏東高樹 賞花 採蜜棗│蘋果日報. Les suffragettes (2015) - Trivia. Love really DOES make us warm inside but weak at the knees, while disgust turns the stomach.

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