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Apps. 5 iPad Apps to Help Students and Teachers Collaborate. There are not an abundance of apps for the iPad that really encourage a worthwhile level of collaboration between students or between students and teachers. There are several that would allow students to share an iPad and work on something together on one iPad, but what if you want students to be working on their own iPads at school, at home, or at a time of their choosing? The following 5 apps are designed for just that, and help take advantage of the iPad as a collaborative tool. 1. Rabble Browser – Spend a lot of time online with your class?

Rabble Browser may be ideal for you. 2. iBrainstorm – In days gone by, sticky yellow notes would litter a desk or whiteboard to record a brainstorming session. 3. 4. 5. Do you have favorite apps for collaborating across iPads? Like this: Like Loading... Related 15 Engaging and Creative Ways to Use iPads in a K-12 Classroom If you are looking for unique and innovative ways to use the iPad in your classroom, then you have come to the right place. 5 iPad Apps to Help Students and Teachers Collaborate. iPad Apps & Bloom’s Taxonomy   I felt it was worthwhile to update the Top Post (over 25,000 views) on Langwitches: Bloom’s Taxonomy for iPads I have added links to each app represented on the visual.

Remember: Exhibit memory of previously-learned materials by recalling facts, terms, basic concepts and answers. describenamefindnamelisttell Suggested apps: Understand: Demonstrative understanding of facts and ideas by being able to: explaincomparediscusspredicttranslateoutlinerestate Suggested Apps: Apply: Using new knowledge. Showcompleteuseexamineillustrateclassifysolve Analyze: Examine and break information into parts by identifying motives or causes. Compareexamineexplainidentifycategorizecontrastinvestigate Evaluate: Present and defend opinions by making judgments about information, validity of ideas or quality of work based on a set of criteria justifyassessprioritizerecommendratedecidechoose Suggested Apps Create: planinventcomposedesignconstructimagine Related Bloom's Taxonomy and iPad Apps 21.

In "Featured Carousel" 7. 29. Le guide de l'iPad - A l'usage des enseignants de Ghislain Dominé.