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Responsive Web Design

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Web mobile : introduction et glossaire. Le Web mobile a depuis longtemps envahi notre quotidien de concepteur de sites web : aujourd'hui, smartphones et tablettes font partie intégrante du parc de périphériques sur lesquels nous jouissons de notre dose quotidienne d'Internet, sur lesquels nous consultons nos sites web préférés, et pestons - à juste titre - lorsque celui-ci ne s'affiche pas correctement. Afin de mieux dégrossir ce vaste sujet, voici une introduction à la conception web mobile sous forme d'un glossaire des principaux termes et d'une double méthodologie pratique.

Glossaire Application native Correspond aux logiciels à télécharger que l'on peut trouver sur les boutiques "stores" (AppStore pour Apple, GooglePlay pour Android,…) développés dans un langage spécifique à chaque plateforme : Objective-C pour Apple, Java pour Android, … Application web (Web App) Une application web est le nom que l'on donne à un site web "classique" que l'on a adapté pour les mobiles. Site web dédié Navigateurs mobiles Densité de pixels Retina. Mobile Web User Experience Best Practices | Mobile Web Best Practices.

Content Prototyping In Responsive Web Design - Smashing UX Design. Advertisement Michelangelo once said, The best of artists has no conception that the marble alone does not contain within itself. Translate this to the world of Web design and you might say, No matter how great a designer you are, you’re only as good as your content. While the reality of client work sometimes makes it challenging to gather and produce content prior to starting the design, this is now widely accepted as being necessary.

You may have heard this referred to as “content-driven design1.” What Is A Content Prototype? A content prototype is an HTML-and-CSS-based fluid-grid prototype, consisting of layout and typography, that consists of the project’s actual content. For centuries, we have shaped our layouts and typefaces according to the meaning of the content. Let’s Get Theoretical The following is a theoretical walk-through of how one might use a content prototype in real life. Imagine that you are about to begin designing a website.

Photoshop’s new file dialog box. Consider this. Responsive Web Design Guidelines and Tutorials - Smashing Magazine. Responsive Web Design Techniques, Tools and Design Strategies - Smashing Magazine. 11 Reasons why responsive web design isn't that cool! Since Ethan Marcotte published his seminal article on Responsive Web Design there’s been an explosion of articles related to this topic. The guy truly made a good work also publishing a book about it , deepening on what many consider, since then, should be a standard for web design. If you have no idea of what this thing is, this Responsive Web Design thing, but simultaneously you’ve been thinking and working on a way for your web projects to be viewable in multiple devices, then you are instinctively working on responsive web design.

Here’s a little insight: The main objective of responsive web design is the inherent flexibility a website can acquire through the application of fluid grids, images and CSS Media Queries to adapt the content and design of the website to any device, even if it is a desktop computer, a laptop, an iPad or a Smartphone. You do not have to create a mobile version of your website; you do not have to create an application for every popular device on earth. 1. Understanding the Elements of Responsive Web Design. Responsive web design is undoubtedly a hot topic in web design right now. To some degree, the popularity of the concept of responsive web design is well deserved because site users are increasingly diversifying their methods of accessing a website. iPad, iPhone, Android mobile devices, desktops, netbooks — we’re in a time where our web designs must function in a multitude number of ways.

Let us explore the meaning and principles behind responsive web design. Key Features of a Responsive Web Design In order for a web design to be considered "responsive," it needs to have three key features. Web designer/developer Ethan Marcotte — the author who conceptualized responsive web design — describes these features as: The site must be built with a flexible grid foundation.Images that are incorporated into the design must be flexible themselves.Different views must be enabled in different contexts via media queries. CSS-Tricks changes its web layout depending on the size of the browser’s viewport. Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It - Smashing Coding. Advertisement Almost every new client these days wants a mobile version of their website. It’s practically essential after all: one design for the BlackBerry, another for the iPhone, the iPad, netbook, Kindle — and all screen resolutions must be compatible, too.

In the next five years, we’ll likely need to design for a number of additional inventions. When will the madness stop? It won’t, of course. In the field of Web design and development, we’re quickly getting to the point of being unable to keep up with the endless new resolutions and devices. Responsive Web design is the approach that suggests that design and development should respond to the user’s behavior and environment based on screen size, platform and orientation. The Concept Of Responsive Web Design Ethan Marcotte1 wrote an introductory article about the approach, “Responsive Web Design992,” for A List Apart. Transplant this discipline onto Web design, and we have a similar yet whole new idea. Adjusting Screen Resolution.