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Macports Whiteboard - Lifehacker. Compiling Source Code (Mac OS X for Unix Geeks) The Secret Strategies Behind Many “Viral” Videos. Update: Dan has a follow up to this post, here. This guest post was written by Dan Ackerman Greenberg, co-founder of viral video marketing company The Comotion Group and lead TA for the Stanford Facebook Class. Dan will graduate from the Stanford Management Science & Engineering Masters program in June. Have you ever watched a video with 100,000 views on YouTube and thought to yourself: “How the hell did that video get so many views?” Chances are pretty good that this didn’t happen naturally, but rather that some company worked hard to make it happen – some company like mine. When most people talk about “viral videos,” they’re usually referring to videos like Miss Teen South Carolina, Smirnoff’s Tea Partay music video, the Sony Bravia ads, Soulja Boy – videos that have traveled all around the internet and been posted on YouTube, MySpace, Google Video, Facebook, Digg, blogs, etc. – videos with millions and millions of views.

Secret #1: Not all viral videos are what they seem 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Motion-Twin. Install | Usage | Tutorial | Download | MTASC and AS3 | Contact | Flash Comparison | Tell them! Motion-Twin ActionScript 2 Compiler Install Theses install notes are for windows user unfamiliar with commandline tools usage. First download the MTASC package corresponding to your system and install/unzip somewhere on your computer. Mtasc.exe Put the compile.bat file with your source files and run it when you want to compile. Usage MTASC is a commandline compiler, it can then be better integrated into [Your favorite editor] by configuring it to compile .as files with MTASC. Now that you know how to call MTASC, let's have a look at how it works : MTASC takes the SWF file specified with the -swf flag, compile all .as specified files, and update the SWF file by replacing all classes that are present inside it by the newly compiled classes. Additional arguments are the following : -swf file : specify input SWF which contains assets.

Some other arguments, for advanced users : Tutorial. The Secret To Happiness. Bottom Five: 2007's Worst Wii Games, Definitive Edition - OMG Nintendo - OMG its Nintendo. Featured Mac Download: Organize Your Mac with File Actions. Get Things Done by Closing a Few Doors [Productivity] Edward de Bono. 'We want wellness,' SMB employees say. Insurers Scramble to Defuse Criticism of Cancellations (at The Wall Street Journal Online) With insurers’ cancellation of policies of ill patients catching flak from prosecutors and the public, the industry is scrambling to come up with a less controversial alternative. The trade group America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) is circulating a proposal for “individual states to use independent panels of health-care professionals and lawyers to review” consumers’ appeals of certain policy cancellations, the WSJ reports.

In some cases, insurance companies have the right to retroactively cancel coverage if an insured individual misrepresented his or her health history on the application for coverage. Those cancellations are called “rescissions” in industry jargon. But some companies have been getting in trouble for pushing the limit. Last week, a judge ordered California insurer Health Net to pay $9 million for improperly canceling a woman’s coverage when she was going through cancer treatment. 1.8 - Sotto Voce: The Art of the Blog: The Cognitive Style of Powerpoint. Edward Tufteという、エール大学の名誉教授がいる。 (名字は「タフティ」という読みが近い)専門は統計の図表化と分析表示デザインだが、実際には以下の3冊の著者のあるグラフィックデザインの泰斗である。

上のリンクはAmazon.comのものだが、同氏のウェブサイトでも購入可能である。 特に、スペースシャトル「チャレンジャー」号の爆発事件を事件後に公開された資料から、「図表の分析結果の見せ方次第で、あの事故は避けられた」という主張が有名である。 一昨日のポストの最後に記した「読み物」というのは実はTufteの書いた、「The Cognitive Style of PowerPoint」という小冊子である。 これまた、アマゾンでも氏のサイトからも購入可能である。 なんでこのようなものを読んでいたかというと、Tufte教授は著述業の他にも情報のビジュアル化に関する1日セミナーを毎年米国のあちことで行っており、私のところに12月にパロアルトで行われるセミナーの案内が送られてきたのがきっかけである。 内容としては、パワーポイントというメディアが、あまりにもプレゼンター本位であり、情報を的確に伝えるにはあまりにも貧弱なものである、という「百害あって一利なし」的な主張である。

ここでいう「resolution」というのはいわゆる「解像度」ではなく、「情報伝達密度」という意味で使われているが、要はパワーポイントで多用されるスタイル、特に「ブレットポイント」形式は表示できる情報が限定されているがゆえに、正しい情報を伝達するのでなく、表示できる字数に併せた記述をする、という謝った方向に書き手を誘導してしまう、ということである。 Many true statements are too long to fit on a PP slide, but this does not mean we should abbreviate the truth to make the words fit. 私もコンサルタント生活が長かったので、これまで無数のパワーポイントスライドを作ってもきたし、また見てもきた。 まあ、私も偉そうなことはいえたクチではない。 そんなわけで、Tufteのセミナーには参加できそうにない私だが、この小冊子に触発され、本だけでも読もう、と思った次第である。 Nuclear reset for .Mac syncing. The PBM in 2010. Health Strategies Group is a good analyst group that focuses on healthcare. They produce good quality reports primarily for pharma. In 2004, they put out one about the PBM in 2010. While I am on my way to the PBMI conference, I thought I would revisit it to see some of the interesting points and what has come true.

They presented several scenarios (based on input from a panel of people from the industry) so some observations will run opposite each other. Panelists were from ACS State Healthcare, Caremark, Express Scripts, Medco Health Solutions, MedImpact, NMHCRx, Prescription Solutions, and RxAmerica. I think a key quote at the end about PBMs (which was a sign of the times) is as follows regarding segmenting the population. “While PBMs believe they can segment consumers into these categories, they see little value in doing so; they do not identify consumers as a target segment.” Like this: Like Loading... Travel Without the Laptop, Carry Your Computer on a USB Drive. You can turn any USB Flash drive or an iPod into a personal computer with all your software programs, application settings and data. It is more secure and private that using a public terminal because no traces are left once you pop out the pen drive.

Laptop computers are shedding weight but they still weigh a few pounds and carrying them around on the shoulders is often very inconvenient. Do you really need that notebook wherever you go? Not always. For instance, you are traveling for a business conference or an Internet café or a friend’s place that will definitely have spare computers but you need to carry the laptop just because it contains all your software programs, application settings and personal data (like docs, photos, music, videos, etc).

Are you are in a similar situation? We generally use USB drives to transfer documents and presentations across computers but these key chains can also be used for carrying software programs and other files. The Simply Effective Guide To Reaching Anyone Online. Networking online is very similar to networking face to face. You’re ultimately trying to connect with people and forge relationships. The only real difference is that you’re using slightly different tools to communicate, and have to compete a bit harder to get their attention.

It’s not always easy, but it’s never impossible, if you commit to being a certain type of person, and taking appropriate measures to reach your goal. I’m not recommending that you become a fake, used-cars-salesman type figure. I’m saying that in order to let the extraordinary person that you be noticed, you may need to make a few adjustments to your approach. Here is a list of everything you need in order to be successful in reaching people online. 11 Ways To Think About Online Networking Intend a win-win. The Tools That Work The Classic (yet short) E-mail. Top Ten List of Free Windows Programs. Josh sent in an excellent list of his top ten recommended Windows programs… all of which are absolutely free! Here they are, for your use if you wish. Audacity is a free program that allows you to edit your music and sound files. It is open source and it is very to use.

For someone looking to start podcasts, this program is for you. You will get used to the features it has in a matter of minutes. This is perfect for starting off in editing music and sound files.Winamp is a great music player for those looking for a alternative to the common “iTunes” software. It comes with many features and plug ins as well. EDITOR’S NOTE: be VERY careful when using HiJackThis. SuperAntiSpyware scans your computer for known Spyware, Adware, Malware, Trojans, Dialers, Worms, KeyLoggers, HiJackers and many other types of threats, and allows you to remove or quarantine them. 5.1 - Flash Resources - Best Flash Animation V2.2. Chief Marketing Officer. I think this is an evolving role in healthcare. Mention CMO to most people and they will think you are talking about the Chief Medical Officer.

In some industries this has spun into several roles whose titles might include Chief Innovation Officer, Chief Experience Officer or some other title. Apparently, this is one of the shortest tenured jobs with CMOs in the top-100 consumer branded companies staying in the role for 23 months (compared to 54 months for CEOs). This is according to SpencerStuart as talked about in a Fast Company article from June 2007. “Today’s marketing chiefs are shape-shifting beasts who grasp not only advertising and promotions but also public relations, IT, finance, manufacturing, customer service, and branding across global markets.” (Greg Welch in The Most Dangerous Job in Business – Fast Company, June 2007, pg. 34) Of course, everyone has an opinion on marketing. With a down economy, marketing faces a different type of scrutiny. Like this: Like Loading... Creating Passionate Users. My Favorite Graphs... and the future This blog has always been about optimism, creating better user experiences, helping users spend more time in flow, and learning.

There are 405 posts here. More importantly, there are nearly 10,000 comments from y'all that add so much more to the topics, and from which myself and others have learned a great deal. I don't want the last thing people remember about this blog to be The Bad Things. So, I've moved my original "threats" post--something many people find very difficult to look at-- to a different web page -- rather than keeping it as a post here. If you want to read the original content of the post (it lost some formatting), it's here. But I want the thing people see when they come here now to reflect what this blog has always been about, so I'm including a few of my favorite pictures from the last two years here.

I made no money from this blog -- it was always a labor of love. That leaves me with... what to do next? Please help. Probably, yes. Simply birolliant - the incredible 10ft 'photographs' drawn with a ballpoint pen | the Daily Mail. HPV increasingly causes oral cancer in men - Cancer. ATLANTA — The sexually transmitted virus that causes cervical cancer in women is poised to become one of the leading causes of oral cancer in men, according to a new study. The HPV virus now causes as many cancers of the upper throat as tobacco and alcohol, probably due both to an increase in oral sex and the decline in smoking, researchers say. The only available vaccine against HPV, made by Merck & Co., is currently given only to girls and young women. But Merck plans this year to ask government permission to offer the shot to boys. Experts say a primary reason for male vaccinations would be to prevent men from spreading the virus and help reduce the nearly 12,000 cases of cervical cancer diagnosed in U.S. women each year.

But the new study should add to the argument that there may be a direct benefit for men, too. "We need to start having a discussion about those cancers other than cervical cancer that may be affected in a positive way by the vaccine," said study co-author Dr. TripIt is awesome. By Joel Spolsky Thursday, January 31, 2008 You know what I really like? It's amazingly simple. You get a link back by email, with a beautifully organized itinerary, showing all your travel data plus maps, weather reports, and all the confirmation numbers for your flights and address for your hotels and so on. It's kind of magical.

Think of it this way. The airlinethe flight numberfour times (departure and arrival, there and back)four time zones (or else your phone will tell you that your flight is at 5 pm when it's really at 2pm)a confirmation number (for when the airline denies that you exist)where you're going All in all it takes a few minutes and is very error prone.

TripIt is a beautiful example of the Figure It Out school of user interface design. Anyway, it's a shame I have to say this, but I have no connection whatsoever to Have you been wondering about Distributed Version Control? Want to know more? About the author. Search Behavior Patterns. A search engine on an organization’s website or intranet is often built to support an overly narrow model of user behavior, which goes something like this: User types in a searchSearch engine gives back matching resultsUser reads the results and picks the best one Simple. Better still, it asks very little of the user interface—only that it provide some way to submit a search, and some list in response. However, such simple models overlook the fact that humans are complex, convoluted, capricious, mutable, moody, multifaceted beings with broadly differing backgrounds, competencies, and frames of reference. (1) In practice, this can make the requirements for search interfaces quite a bit more complicated.

The good news is that while users vary widely in the ways they search, their behaviors follow a limited number of identifiable patterns. Factors that affect user behavior 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Personas Grounding abstract ideas in concrete personas can help bring all of these factors to life. 1. The Power of Spontaneity and How to Wield It. Spontaneity is something that many, many people don’t like. Why? Because they equate spontaneity with surprises, and nobody likes surprises while they’re doing their job. This rings true for CEO’s to Stay-at-home Moms. Routines are what we productive people crave! But we can learn a thing or two from being a tad more spontaneous, especially while we’re working. Being open to change can be a good thing. “Spontaneous- Of a person having an open, natural, and uninhibited manner” Oooh. Aside from the whole mind-like-water mentality, spontaneity has some other added benefits: Keeps your mind sharp as a tack.

Like any good quality or reflex, spontaneity has to be practiced before it can truly become useful. Here are some tips to adding spontaneity to your work day. Draw boundaries. If one can practice disciplined spontaneity, they will start to see the benefits of being a more flexible person in general. Don’t sweat the petty stuff, and don’t pet the sweaty stuff. The Ultimate Student Resource List - It’s back to school time, yet again. In the spirit of the season, I decided to gather together the best tools, websites, and advice I know of to help make you a more effective and relaxed student this semester. Since I know you’re broke, it’s all free!

10 Free Applications Every Student Needs Unless you have money coming out of your ears, you probably won’t want to shell out the cash you’ll need to get Office, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, EndNote, and so on — even with your student discount. These free apps do the job well enough, and sometimes even better than their paid or otherwise limited alternatives. A top-quality, full-featured office productivity suite — word processor, spreadsheet, presentation software, graphics editor, database, the works! Can save and open most Microsoft Office formats. 11 Online Tools Students Should Check Out Or 20, depending on how you count. 15 Websites for Students (Aside from Lifehack) 30 Pieces of Advice for Students from Flipping the Linux switch: Misplace a file? Find it quick! - Download Squad. Create a glossy button in flash. Old Grains Effect (Old TV Effect) in Flash. Adobe Flash Tutorials - Best of | Tutorials.

How to Never Spend Money on PC Software Ever Again. Safe Mode. World - Moody’s says spending threatens US rating. The Great Mac OS X Freeware List. Adobe Photoshop Tutorials - Best Of | Tutorials. FullerScreen. Freeware Software for Web Designers | TechnoTarget. 7 Tools That Help You Stop Wasting Money. 8 Ways to Take Control of Your Finances in 2008 ∞ Get Rich Slowly. » 25 Code Snippets for Web Designers (Part8) Photoshop Tutorials and Links - Creating A Cool 3D Web Design Effect. TiddlySticky - Sticky Notes for Web Browser - - Malon,Inc.
