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Knowledge. Innovation. 6 Ways To Inject New Ways Of Thinking Into Your Business. There are some who say that it is time to "think outside of the box. " There are some who say that there is no box. There are are some who are quick to generate new ideas. There are some who are dying to know how those people are so quick to come up with new ideas. In the interest of helping those who are trying to figure out new ways to think differently, here are six ways to generate new ways of thinking. The main concept behind all of these (even if they are channels you are already using/aware of) is to use/think differently when engaged with them.

Basically, go against your normal habits. If all you do is watch a particular news program, try to pay more attention to something you would normally not have. 6 Ways You Can Use Media To Generate New Ways Of Thinking: Follow This Week In Tech (TWIT) - Leo Laporte does a great job of keeping a live 24-hour stream going over at TWIT Live. What are some of things that you do to generate new ways of thinking? By Mitch Joel. ChangeThis :: ChangeThis.