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Facebook Twitter Cflorin: I'm an advisor to movies.i... Show HN: — torrent search like it should be. You make one good point, but I think you overall misunderstand my stance.

Show HN: — torrent search like it should be

Firstly, You say you "don't steal (physical things)" as if that makes it ok... I don't think not stealing makes piracy ok, and I didn't say so. What I mean, and what I tried to say, was that I haven't decided whether I think piracy is ethical or not, and I care little enough that I probably won't decide for the forseeable future. ...but you are stealing. In my eyes (and maybe this is unreasonable of me, anyone else?) lack empathy for the act... Minor point, but I don't think this makes sense, as a statement. Saying "it's wrong" and going no further than that makes you thoughtless, not humble. I had trouble phrasing this, since I had two things to say about me saying "it's wrong": I wanted to both contrast with saying "clearly unethical", and explain how I would go further.

Now, the one good point you made: Well, yes and no. Reinvents Movie Torrents, With Style. is a new torrent search engine dedicated to movies, but one that goes above and beyond the average torrent site. Reinvents Movie Torrents, With Style combines a pleasant and great-looking user interface with all the functionality needed to find and collect the best films out there. In a way it's both a threat and inspiration to Hollywood. Every year hundreds of new torrent sites are launched, but only a few manage to rise to the top. is one of these newcomers, and since it has something unique to offer it is likely to stick around.

The site can be best described as a movie torrent database with a beautiful design and the ability to create movie watch lists. When users search for a movie, they get a page with a large backdrop image and movie details such as the plot, genre and rating which is pulled from Download Steal This film TorrentFreak got in touch with one of the founders, who we’ll call Jack, to find out more about the project. But there was another driving force. Chronique: les jolis torrents de by : Best Website to Download Movies (2012) – What Hollywood SHOULD Be. Hollywood and their lawyers are all agog at the audacity of ‘pirates’ who would dare to steal their multi-million dollar productions in order to (gasp) watch them. – What Hollywood SHOULD Be

The news is regularly reporting some lawsuit or another in which lawyers of one group or another are suing someone (ranging from little old ladies to underage children to search engines) for pirating their films. So far, Tinsel Town’s reaction to the Internet has largely been to sue the heck out of it and attempt to use force to bend technology to their will. On the up side, they’ve created a large job-creating industry of Digital Rights Management (DRM) inventors and engineers (and lawyers) to protect their property. That has, of course, spawned an equally large, underground industry that works to circumvent or undermine those DRM technologies.

Now, a new site made by pirates who claim white hats,, is aiming to show Hollywood what it should be doing instead of pushing against the current. Comments comments. is a brilliant example of how future movie consumption should be tailored  How do you plan on staying online? One Million page views on I do tend to disagree with the sentiment on HN regarding some aspects of the "pirating issue".

One Million page views on

Common arguments are (as quoted from the text)and my symbolic translation to the HN world: > "Movie theater incomes are in most cases enough to cover the production costs. Their business remains viable even if people continue downloading their movies" in HN-speak: "Developer salaries are the highest in the economy, so their careers remain viable if people start copying their code" > "Isn’t the main goal of content producers that their content is seen ? In HN-speak: "The main goal of a developer should be to get the product/code in front of many people. FredericJacobs: For the record, we used to... (movies_io) Frederic Jacobs (fredericjacobs) Amos Wenger (nddrylliog) One Million - Brain Overflow. Nddrylliog: Enjoy trailers, folks ;) h... Download to the cloud + watch. Don't Make Me Steal. I tried to watch Game of Thrones and this is what happened.

Steal This Film II.
