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The Science of Storytelling: Why Telling a Story is the Most Powerful Way to Activate Our Brains. Get People to Like you : How to Win Friends Influence. Gestures and Body Language Tutorial. The Presentation Mistake You Don't Know You're Making - Heidi Grant Halvorson. By Heidi Grant Halvorson | 8:00 AM October 23, 2012 During an interview, your potential new boss asks you to briefly describe your qualifications. At this moment, you have a single objective: be impressive. So you begin to rattle off your list of accomplishments: your degrees from Harvard and Yale, your prestigious internships, your intimate knowledge of essential software and statistical analysis.

“Oh,” you add. Or is it? Actually, it isn’t. The problem, in a nutshell, is this: We assume when we present someone with a list of our accomplishments (or with a bundle of services or products), that they will see what we’re offering additively. Only more is not in fact better to the interviewer (or the client or buyer), because this is not how other people see what we’re offering. To them, this is a (10+ 10+ 10+ 2)/4 package, or an “8″ in impressiveness. More is actually not better, if what you are adding is of lesser quality than the rest of your offerings. Amy Cuddy: Your body language shapes who you are. David S. Rose on pitching to VCs. 8 Tips on How to Anticipate Customer Needs. Edit Article Edited by bbyrd009, Elizabeth Douglas, Whoze, Krystle and 16 others Anticipating a customer's needs is an important part of most retail and wholesale businesses, especially in a more challenging retail environment so they choose to come back.

Anticipating needs also provides opportunities for personal and professional growth. A business that takes the extra step of anticipating and providing for an obvious corollary need can generate loyal, repeat customers; and even a humble clerk who is alert to the needs of the customer standing in front of them is sure to advance. While much of this may involve remembering or noting the desires of the individual customer, it also largely means putting yourself in a customer's place, which takes a little practice.

Ad Steps 1Do your best to put yourself into that individual customer's place in the transaction (fulfill a need). 8Expect a certain amount of idle trade due solely to customers practice of affirmation. Tips Warnings. How to Sell a Product: 15 steps. Featured Article Categories: Featured Articles | Sales In other languages: Italiano: Vendere un Prodotto, Español: vender un producto, Deutsch: Ein Produkt verkaufen, Português: Vender um Produto, Français: vendre un produit, Русский: продать товар, 中文: 销售产品, Bahasa Indonesia: Menjual Sebuah Produk, Nederlands: Een product verkopen, Čeština: Jak prodat produkt, العربية: بيع منتج.