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Graphics for Games

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Learn How To Make a 3D Game FAST! iClone5 Features - Real-time 3D Animation. Art Portfolios. Free game graphics. It is once again time for a prototyping challenge!

free game graphics

The rules are the same. You are an elite programmer that wants to make something fun without spending ten years in art school learning how to draw stick figures. I provide some easy-to-use graphics and an intriguing game design for you to riff upon. Send me the links to your masterpieces and I'll post them for folks to enjoy and critique.

This time, we are tackling an ancient, yet still fascinating, genre that is long overdue resurrection: The God Game. Back in the day, there was a game call Populous where you played a god. I've divided the challenge up into two sections. Challenge Part I: Core MechanicsHave you ever experienced the simple joy of sorting your Legos? As with all mechanics, the written design is a starting point. The mapThe land starts out with randomly sorted PlanetCute prototyping tiles, piled up to five levels deep. There are several types of tiles: The finished house will pop out the villager upon completion. Edge Scrolling. Edge scrolling is used in many of the real time strategy games where the layout is usually big.

Edge Scrolling

This is a feature in which the user can scroll through the layout with very little effort, just by moving the mouse cursor to the edges of the viewport. This feature can be reproduce in Construct 2 by making use of the mouse object, a few system expressions and optionally a global variable to customize the scrolling speed. You can see a demo of the edge scrolling here.You may download the Construct 2 project file here. Basic edge scrolling To begin with, the mouse object should be added to the project using the insert new object dialog. And the Mouse expressionsMouse.AbsoluteX, Mouse.AbsoluteY will be used. And the following set of events is all that is needed to have a basic edge scrolling feature: On Screen Touch Controls For Button Games. 3D sprites. The concept As you all know Construct 2 doesn't support 3D models, so the only way to make a game seem like it's 3D is to generate images of 3D objects and use them as sprites.

3D sprites

Where to start? First get some 3D Modeling software (I will be using Google SketchUp because it's free, and it has a warehouse where you can find finished models quickly if you're too lazy to do them yourself) I recommend you use the engineering template if you don't want to color your shadows later in Photoshop (they appear green if you use the standard template) Creating the sprite After you have created or opened your model, choose the angle of your game (platform, top-view etc.) To make it more 3D we will add some shadows (Note: shadows are a bit tricky to work with because of the objects that move on them i.e. if you put your hand on light the shadow of the hand that appears on the ground will be bigger than the shadow that appears on a table, for example) Editing in Photoshop P.S.

Have fun! Retro Affect - Photoshop Animation to Sprite Sheet. Helloooo readers (and fellow animators)!

Retro Affect - Photoshop Animation to Sprite Sheet

After a bit of searching, we couldn't seem to find a complete way to go from a framed animation in Adobe Photoshop to an ideally packed sprite sheet. Lo and behold, the RA Animation Exporter for Adobe Photoshop was born and we'd like to share it with the animating world. [CG Textures] - Textures for 3D, graphic design and Photoshop! О 3D-моделировании - Видео игроделов - Файлы для игроделов - Создание игр, Игровые движки, Конструкторы игр.

Типы заливок - CorelDRAW с нуля - Онлайн-Обоз. Вы можете заполнять объекты одной из следующих заливок: Однородные цвета или оттенки серого (плашечные или составные цвета).

Типы заливок - CorelDRAW с нуля - Онлайн-Обоз

Градиентные заливки (линейные, радиальные, конические и квадратные). Двухцветные и многоцветные узоры, содержащиеся в CorelDRAW или созданные вами Узоры в растровом формате. текстуры в формате PostScript Текстуры, создаваемые с помощью специальных алгоритмов. Независимо от используемрго вами метода прежде всего с помощью инструмента Pick Tool (Выбор), необходимо выделить объект, который вы хотите заполнить, а затем выбрать заливку. Final Boss Blues » Pixel Tutorial Introduction. If you wanna skip my lengthy introduction, part one is here.

Final Boss Blues » Pixel Tutorial Introduction

I’ve been wanting to make an “ultimate” spriting and pixel art tutorial for a long time now. There are hundreds of pixel tutorials out there on the internet; some of them are good, a few of them are great, but the vast majority of them are very, very bad. Most of these tutorials focus on the obvious: tools, terminology, shading, etc; but rarely do they dive into the theory and core concepts that really teach someone how to create good sprites.

I’ve seen tutorials that read more like those old Ed Emberly “step-by-step” preschooler books, and they encourage mimicry but don’t actually teach. My goal with this tutorial is to teach you how to think in terms of pixels, to give you the tools needed to become great on your own.