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The Proof Is In the Pull-Up: 10 Tools for Getting Better at Pull-Ups. Adding Muscle with Kettlebells: How I Build Up My Grapplers. Due to some injuries I suffered in 2006 I started looking for ways to train that didn’t hurt me and could offer potential fixes to the damage caused.

Adding Muscle with Kettlebells: How I Build Up My Grapplers

A combination of handstand push ups, burpees, and letting people kimura me led to some real problems in my AC joint and I wasn’t yet sold on needing shoulder surgery. Speed Kills, Part 1: Proper Development of Speed for the Athlete. In fighting there is a saying, “skills pay the bills.”

Speed Kills, Part 1: Proper Development of Speed for the Athlete

Fitness Bucket List for Guys. There are a few fitness goals that every guy knows he needs to achieve within his lifetime. Some are simply designed to boost a guy's ego and give him something to brag about, while others are essential to helping him live a longer, healthier life. ChAoS & PAIN: Dude, So and So Got SO Fucking Jacked For That Movie: Tom Hardy. 5/3/1 FAQ – Please read! - 1.

5/3/1 FAQ – Please read! -

ChAoS & PAIN: Metabolic Typing Part 1.5: If You Need a Little More Convincing. I've been a lazy motherfucker about blogging recently, arousing the ire of a bunch of you, but fuck it- I work for free, which means I work whenever the fuck I feel like it, haha.I know that some of you are still highly skeptical of my initial premise- that people of different racial/ethnic phenotypes are biologically varied enough to justify markedly different diets.

ChAoS & PAIN: Metabolic Typing Part 1.5: If You Need a Little More Convincing

First, consider this- natural selection, as an educated person knows, is a phenomenon in nature in which the mean phenotype of a given species moves a fraction of the way towards the local optimum phenotype, while gene flow causes the mean phenotypes to be averaged. Thus, ethnic pheotypes develop first according to environment, and then are gradually modified by gene flow over time. ChAoS & PAIN: Metabolic Typing, Parte Dvah: A Brief History of Metabolic Typing.

Metabolic typing systems have existed about as long as an organized practice of medicine has.

ChAoS & PAIN: Metabolic Typing, Parte Dvah: A Brief History of Metabolic Typing

Given the fact that prehistoric peoples practiced such detailed and systematic medical treatments as trepanation (there's evidence that prehistoric peoples bored holes in peoples' heads to treat anything from mental illness to head trauma in cave paintings and the fossil record) and acupuncture (Otzi the Iceman was covered in tattoos, many of which corresponded with traditional acupuncture points for treating the arthritis with which he appeared to have), it stands to reason that systems by which people identified the best method by which they could maintain their health via dietary choices were also extant. On Guard, I'll Let You Try My Wu-Tang StyleThe Chinese divide people into 6 basic types, though one can be a confluence of more than one type. According to Dr. ChAoS & PAIN: Baddest Motherfuckers Ever #14- Bruce "I Dare You to Enter the Dragon, Motherfucker" Lee.

Yet another Baddest Motherfuckers entry about a non-strength athlete!?

ChAoS & PAIN: Baddest Motherfuckers Ever #14- Bruce "I Dare You to Enter the Dragon, Motherfucker" Lee

The top 4 things you could be doing better - Part 1. So I asked on the LRB Facebook Page, what the three things you KNOW you could be doing a better job of in your training.

The top 4 things you could be doing better - Part 1

The overwhelming consensus was actually four things. DietSleepConditioningMobility To the credit of everyone that posted in that thread, those three four things are very big reasons for a lack of training progress. The Desk Jockey Workout: 8 Ways to Stay in Shape at the Office. For most of human history, work has been a physically demanding activity.

The Desk Jockey Workout: 8 Ways to Stay in Shape at the Office

MensHealthMag : It's okay to skip the gym... Strength Basics: High Intensity + Low Intensity for fat loss. About five years ago, Alwyn Cosgrove had an article published called "The Hierarchy of Fat Loss. It's been a pretty influential article, at the very least online in discussions of fat loss. The short version of the article is, that after correct nutrition, there is a clear hierarchy of value to types of training for fat loss.

In the article, they basically go: 1) High intensity metabolic training (think complexes and circuits) 2) Strength training 3) High intensity interval cardio (alternating fast and slow) 4) High intensity steady-state cardio (just fast, straight through) 5) Low intensity steady-state cardio (jogging, going for a walk, etc.) Effective Training for Busy Men. From November to mid-January I have a lot on my plate.

Effective Training for Busy Men

With my family spread out from Colorado, New Jersey, Texas, and Illinois, I have a lot of traveling to do. Thanksgiving and Christmas are spent in different states and we travel an ungodly amount during these three months. I am not a big fan of traveling – I'm a creature of habit. 5/3/1 and Athletes. By Jim Wendler – 5/21/2012 I've been asked many times how 5/3/1 could be adapted for athletes.

5/3/1 and Athletes

Most would say this is a legitimate question, as surely the needs of the performance-driven athlete would be much different from the guy who just wants to be bigger, stronger, and more awesome in general. However, I'm here to tell you that regardless of the sport being performed on the field, not much really changes. This obviously goes against the "sport specific training specialists" who are trying to convince you that each athlete and sport is a special snowflake. Complete Home Shoulder Workout, Get Huge Delts Fast! Six New Tabata Workouts for Fast Fat Loss.

By Nick Tumminello In many ways, Japan is an efficiency-lovers' Nirvana. It has a population approaching 130 million, but it's barely the size of California- and roughly three quarters of its land mass is an uninhabitable mix of mountains, trees, and Karaoke bars full of drunken salarymen singing "Love Shack". So it's fair to say they know a thing or two about getting the most out of very limited resources. A few years ago, the strength and conditioning world was introduced to an interval training system called the Tabata Protocol.

The system was a favorite of the Japanese speed skating team due to its rapid conditioning improvement capabilities, and it quickly became a darling of cardio-loathers everywhere because, well, it was over so damn fast — four minutes flat, excluding warm-ups.

Interval Training

Crank It Up: Sprinting Towards Single Digit Body Fat Percentages With High Intensity Training. The relationship between sprinting and a rock-solid physique is why strength coach Erick Minor put together the program in this article. He thinks it’s such a damn shame that so few bodybuilders actually sprint anymore. It’s one of the few fat burning activities that can actually build muscle tissue instead of catabolizing it, and it’s easy to do; just find a track and run! Well, and maybe read this first… Look around a track and field event sometime and you’ll notice the relationship between sprinters and bodybuilders actually goes both ways, meaning a lot of full-time sprinters also have damn impressive bodies!


Why Sprinting is Essential. Welcome! If you want to lose weight, gain muscle, increase energy levels or just generally look and feel healthier you've come to the right place. What Are Tabata Sprints? Welcome! If you want to lose weight, gain muscle, increase energy levels or just generally look and feel healthier you've come to the right place.