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The Vimeo HD Channel. Mitch Rawlins - i surf because short film. Tribe Men Jump 80 Feet Into the Ground. Extreme wingsuit flying (The TEDTalk) Thrust SSC - Fly-by (Excellent Mirage) Man parachutes from 100, 000 feet. The Paradox of Learning. Paul Jacobson 12th National Conference on Vocational and Educational Training Research Perth, Western Australia, 10 July 2003 It's all in the Mind Humberto Maturana writes in The Ontology of Observing: "In our culture we live our existing in language as if language were a symbolic system for referring to entities of different kinds that exist independently from what we do, and we treat even ourselves as if we existed outside language as independent entities that use language.

Time, matter, energy would be some of those entities. Such an attitude leads us to act as if we could characterise those entities in terms of their intrinsic independent nature, which I claim cannot be done because as soon as we say anything, what we bring about takes place in a domain of language, as an operation in recursive consensual coordinations of behaviour" (Maturana, Humberto R. 1997). Synopsis Learning is systemic like anything else that is organic. If only it were that easy. Now the Paradox Kicks In The Pioneers. Servais Gregory Bateson. The imperial animal. Autopoiesis and Cognition: The Realization of the Living (Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 42) (9789027710161): H.R. Maturana, F.J. Varela.

What is life? Immanuel Velikovsky The Bonds of the Past. Immanuel Velikovsky - Planet X Video - Nibiru, Sitchin, pole shift, earth changes.