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The Daily Bandha. Url?sa=t&source=web&cd=6&ved=0CFQQtwIwBQ& Yoga Asana Columns - Yin Yoga. Every meditator knows the pain of stiff knees and an aching back. By stretching the connective tissue, Yin Yoga can condition you to sit longer—and more comfortably. By Paul Grilley Conventional yoga wisdom holds that nothing prepares your body for hours of seated meditation as well as regular asana practice. But when I began to explore more intensive meditation sessions, I discovered to my chagrin that years of sweaty vinyasa and mastery of fairly advanced poses hadn't made me immune to the creaky knees, sore back, and aching hips that can accompany long hours of sitting practice. Fortunately, by the time I got serious about meditation, I'd already been introduced to the concepts of Taoist Yoga, which helped me understand my difficulties in sitting.

I found that with some simple additions to my yoga practice, I could sit in meditation with ease, free from physical distractions. The Tao of Yoga The Joint Stretch So why would Yin Yoga advocate stretching connective tissue? The Yin Difference. - The Home Page of Yin Yoga. YouTube.