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Grevit - Grasshopper native BIM. Grevit allows you to create BIM elements from Revit and Autocad Architecture directly in Grasshopper and send them to your target application. Unlike other Grasshopper Revit Links this one supports multiple programs, no further files are created and the configuration is very easy. Assemble your BIM Model in GH with simple BIM elements. A Send component serializes the BIM elements and sends them via TCP/IP to localhost or a remote Revit/ACA instance where the Model is assembled automatically. The Revit/ACA Model can also be updated according to geometry changes in Grasshopper. The Revit and ACA Clients to receive the BIM elements are part of each release. The update feature is now activated by default.

Explore Grevit Examples Join discussions about Grevit Important notice for Revit Users: Revit works with feet internally and Grevit doesn't do the conversion for now, so keep in mind: 1 meter = 3.2808399 feet Installation: use the installer or install manually. Enjoy. Videos. Fabrication » Grasshopper : Lists + Data Matching. Morphogenesism. LIVE COMPONENTS.

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