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TP Roll Reindeer. Did you like this?

TP Roll Reindeer

Share it: Caja Tarjeta Día de las madres (Manualidad fácil) DIY Cardboard Television - Fun Crafts Kids. 27 Ideias que utilizam caixas de papelão para criar atividades e brincadeiras para as crianças. Muitas vezes os pais tentam, mas não conseguem criar uma atividade atrativa para seus filhos.

27 Ideias que utilizam caixas de papelão para criar atividades e brincadeiras para as crianças

Mas essas ideias geniais vão te dar uma mãozinha para organizar brincadeiras incríveis para os pequenos, e o melhor de tudo: gastando pouco e também ensinando para as crianças a importância da reciclagem! Elas podem, inclusive, ajudar no processo de execução de algumas dessas ideias e deixar tudo mais divertido. How to make hard candy in your microwave. …after failing the first 3 attempts at making it.

How to make hard candy in your microwave

That’s the rest of the title. Seriously. This took me four tries to get right and the reason I want to write about it is so that you can learn from my mistakes. I decided to make candy because I had all these silicone shape molds that were supposedly meant for baking but I never used them for that, mainly because I don’t have the patience to ice cookies and cakes like the patterns on the molds.

This is why I love food bloggers and bakers. 1374293_757438440983255_8790751358945150440_n.jpg (JPEG Image, 480 × 480 pixels) 20 TP Roll Crafts (yes, even more!) Do-it-yourself-craft-ideas-11.jpg (Imagem JPEG, 620x1107 pixéis) - Escala (49%) Passo a passo de casinha de papelão dobrável. DIY Cardboard Bed Plans 0113 V2 - DIY-Cardboard-Bed-Plans-0113-V2.pdf. Handmade Christmas Ornament. The Christmas tree isn’t looking as great as you hoped it would?

Handmade Christmas Ornament

If the ornaments you bought from the shop or off the internet aren’t exactly what you’ve been searching for, then make your own right at home. With a few basic folding and cutting skills you are able to fashion a beautiful flower ornament like the one in the picture. Time to decorate! A paper (fabric) chain tutorial. I try not to start decorating for Christmas until after Thanksgiving has passed, so we waited until Saturday to buy a wreath for our front door.

Time to decorate! A paper (fabric) chain tutorial

Now that the turkey’s been carved and leftovers eaten, I feel like it’s ok for me to put the Christmas mix back on the ipod and let it get a little play time and to start with a little decorating. We don’t have our tree yet, but I started this little project which will be used to decorate the tree. I’ve always loved paper chains, and decided to upgrade it a bit this year, using my favorite fabrics. For this project, you’ll need a selection of fabric, and some heavy fusible interfacing. Dia do Pai - o que pretendo fazer. 2937410.jpg (Imagem JPEG, 219x320 pixéis) Packaging Templates. Toilet Paper Roll SANTA. We do love those paper rolls… and have long stopped throwing them away.

Toilet Paper Roll SANTA

Sometimes we start making one thing but get another… just as easy and amusing. Those little toys will surely be part of the Christmas bazaar at little Krokotak’s school. . You need a toilet paper roll, some red paper, some glue, a pair of scissors and a black marker. An A4 sheet of red paper will be enough for one roll. Fold one end of the paper roll as shown in picture 3. Fold out the two lower ends to make the boots. Now you have to glue on the face and the beard. Pig Mosaic Kit « CRAFT MAGIC. Welcome to SaiFou – Inspiring images. Top 5 DIY Tissue Paper Pom Poms. We have selected the best projects of How To Make Tissue Paper Pom Poms, Tissue Paper Balls or Tissue Paper Puffs.

Top 5 DIY Tissue Paper Pom Poms

Source: Source: Source: Source: Source: 5586602.jpg (Imagem JPEG, 550x735 pixéis) - Dimensão/Escala (79%) Free Template Maker. Toilet Paper Roll SANTA. Crafts with Toilet Rolls. Brinquedos de Papel. DIY Giant Crepe Paper Roses. Happy Monday, folks!

DIY Giant Crepe Paper Roses

In case you didn’t notice last week, these giant crepe paper roses really stole my heart after I was asked to lead a workshop on them at a private Martha Stewart event last week. I’m hoping to share more on the class later this week, but for now I wanted to share my very own tutorial for making them! Of course, I am not the first to make these, but I did want to post a tutorial so I could share all the tips and tricks I learned along the way. This tutorial is very long and detailed, but if you do make these roses, you’ll thank me!

They take about an hour to make when you first start out but are so very, very worth it. Doublette Crepe Paper (Cream Pink, Pink Apricot and Bubblegum for my petals and the Pale Olive and Deep Olive for my leaves) Templates (Download them here on Martha Stewart and enlarge to your desired size. Girafando. Cardboard car. Cardboard kitchen. Casa de papelão. Galinhas de páscoa. Cake postcard tutorial. Supplies Materials needed to make two cake postcards: 1 large sponge (yellow paints the best)Serrated knifeX-Acto or utility knifeSpray paint (brown, yellow, pink or white)1 tube acrylic latex caulk (brown, cream or white)Spray adhesive (3M Super 77 works great!)

Cake postcard tutorial

Cardboard, kraft paper or scrapbook paper Instructions Cut sponge into wedge shape With a serrated knife, using a sawing motion, cut a sponge into two, cake wedge shapes. Cut a center groove into sponge Using an X-Acto or utility knife, cut a section of foam from the center of the sponge. Paint the sponge wedges in desired color.

Trace the slice of cake When the sponge wedges are dry, trace around them on a piece of cardboard, kraft paper or colorful scrapbook paper. Spray glue the postcards to the solid, flat sides of the sponge wedges. Using a caulking gun and your desired caulk, fill a plastic disposable piping bag with half of the caulk. Pipe the center of the cake Pipe the icing on the top Note from the editor. Coelhos da pascoa de pratos de papel. Coelho porta ovo de rolo de papel - Pra Gente Miúda.