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Never say these five things in a job interview. Is the interview going well?

Never say these five things in a job interview

By Ramit Sethi We are terrible at interviewing. We walk into the interview room without preparing. We spend time worrying about "trick questions" and about what shirt we should wear, instead of the things that really matter. Worst of all, we believe an interview is intended for us to simply answer the questions that the interviewer gives us. I say this as someone who's sat on both sides of the table: as a candidate, interviewing against some of the world's toughest companies (like Google and a multi-billion-dollar hedge fund), and as a hiring manager.

Yet once you can master the interview process, you can secure job offers against other candidates who have many years more experience than you. That starts with knowing what to avoid doing in a job interview, or what I call "5 Interview Killers. " The 10 Best Interview Questions to Ask. When your interviewer wraps up your job interview by asking if you have any questions, you might think that he or she is finished assessing you, but that's not quite the case.

The 10 Best Interview Questions to Ask

Interviewers draw conclusions about you based on the questions you ask--or don't ask. You don't want to give the impression that you're not very interested in the job, or that you're only concerned about the compensation. Instead, ask about the work, company, and team. Here are 10 great questions for your interviewer: 9 Common Interview Questions That Are Actually Illegal. Nine Things Never to Say in a Job Interview -

5 Body Language Moves That Will Ruin an Interview. 10 Tips to Boost Your Interview Skills - Even the smartest and most qualified job seekers need to prepare for job interviews.

10 Tips to Boost Your Interview Skills -

Why, you ask? Interviewing is a learned skill, and there are no second chances to make a great first impression. So study these 10 strategies to enhance your interview skills. Practice Good Nonverbal Communication It's about demonstrating confidence: standing straight, making eye contact and connecting with a firm handshake. Dress for the Job or Company Today's casual dress codes do not give you permission to dress as "they" do when you interview. Listen From the very beginning of the interview, your interviewer is giving you information, either directly or indirectly. Don't Talk Too Much Telling the interviewer more than he needs to know could be a fatal mistake. 10 Ways to Ruin a Job Interview. You can have the perfect resume and a compelling cover letter and show up for the job interview ready to impress, but get ready to forgo the job offer if you make one of these stumbles.

10 Ways to Ruin a Job Interview

How to Land a New Job. Whether it's rewriting your cover letter, reviewing the way you approach interviews, or rethinking what kind of job will make you happy, here are some tips for landing a new job in the new year.

How to Land a New Job

You'll hear from authors, career experts, career coaches, and even entrepreneurs. Position yourself as a thought leader in your industry. Create a professional blog and write insightful posts about industry trends and advice. Comment on other top blogs to increase your visibility within those communities. Join and participate in niche communities, such as LinkedIn groups related to your expertise and skills. How To Ace Your Technical Interview. Adriana Ganos is a Senior Consultant in the Software Engineering Permanent division at Winter, Wyman.

How To Ace Your Technical Interview

Winter, Wyman is the largest and one of the most recognized staffing organizations in the Northeast. Find out more on the Winter, Wyman blog or follow on Twitter @WinterWyman. Job candidates have clear expectations about the work that needs to be done during the job search to ensure success. They define their career goals. Resumes are updated. The technical interview is an opportunity for employers to put your hard-earned skills to the test. 1. The tech industry has a unique culture, one that is in stark contrast to other fields. 10 Interview Fashion Blunders - Any article about what to wear to an interview might well begin with a qualifying statement covering the extremes in various states (New York and California, for example) and industries (technology, manufacturing), which are possible exceptions to the normal rules of fashion.

10 Interview Fashion Blunders -

But it might surprise you to learn that those extremes have, over the last couple of years, begun to move closer to the middle ground. Nowadays, if you were to ask 100 people their opinion about what to wear to an interview, the majority would answer, "Dress on the conservative side. " Anna Soo Wildermuth, an image consultant and past president of the Association of Image Consultants International, says, "Clothes should be a part of who you are and should not be noticed. " She cites 10 dressing faux pas to avoid when interview time comes around: Wild Nail Polish: This tip is for women or men. Conservative colors in various shades of blue and gray are best.

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