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6 Hot Chicks Give Us Their Do’s and Don’ts of Picking Up Girls at a. The 10 Girls You’ll Meet At Every Post-College Bar. The 10 Dudes You’ll Meet At Every Post-College Bar.

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The 10 Types of Booty Calls. 1. The 4 AM Booty Call Yeah, it’s that time of the night. The bar is closing, everyone is paired off…except for you. You leave the bar stumbling to your drunk food of choice, when you remember that 8 that lives just down the block. She hopefully won’t mind a nice 4 AM wakeup call or even better, she’s just getting home too. These booty calls are a surefire way to get laid because any girl that will let an extremely drunk dude come over at 4AM is definitely down in a million different ways. 2.

This is your dream girl. 3. These are the best Booty Calls ever. 4. It’s Thanksgiving or winter break and it is officially time to pull out that old high school directory. 5. Glorious, glorious Spring Break. 6. You are lucky enough in this situation to have multiple options. 7. This is the kind of booty call that every guy dreams of. 8. Christ, you haven’t gotten laid in a while. 9. We all remember this girl. 10. Oh my God, did you see the brand new receptionist? Image via The Chive. Things men wish women knew...

Guy Spectrum: Asshole Guy Advice

My week of flirting with women. Strategies to help you relax on dates. What guarantees a second date. Location Tips. Surprising things about single women. 7 texts that scare men off. 10 toxic types you shouldn’t date. 10 Things You Need To Know When Dating More Than One Woman. When you’re single you should be reluctant to commit to one girl until she has proven that she is a worthy partner. It’s obvious that most women will never be worthy of you and, that’s why it’s a fantastic idea to date a lot of women casually and non-exclusively until you eventually find the right one. A lot of men make the mistake of dating a small amount of girls exclusively which eventually leads to marrying one of them and then turning their life into a big pile of sh*t.

It happens simply because most men are never willing to explore their true potential. This, in my opinion, is why a man should date a lot of beautiful women before he settles down. Because when he does find the right one, he really knows (has the facts) she’s worth it. So, how should you go about dating more than one woman? It’s a lot easier than most men think but, here are 10 things you need to know that will help you out. 1. 2.

If you’re with more than one woman chances of catching a nasty STD are quite high. 3. 4. 5 Realistic Reasons Why Women Cheat | Love + Sex. Spotify Apps Find You a Date Based on Your Music Tastes. Two new apps have been launched on Spotify that aim to match you with potential dates based on what music you like. Fellody and both integrate seamlessly with the popular music streaming service, scanning your music library to find your favorite artists, the songs you listen to the most, and your collection of playlists, to find other users with similar picks. You are then shown the profiles of the people who share the same taste, so you can see what you have in common. lets you filter by gender, age and location, and you can message matches in real-time or share songs with them. The app also allows users to share mixtapes with each other using Spotify’s in-built playlists. Fellody lets you drag and drop playlists into the app and then finds potential dates with the highest match rate. Fellody Photo by Jon Ãslund. Bad-boy moves women love. How to stop being used as a “backup boyfriend” | How women want to be kissed. Reversing disastrous date-night conversations. How to know if you should stay or go. 5 fights every couple should have. Beauty mistakes that turn men off.

How waiters judge you (and how to use it to your advantage) | Shine Food. Every time you sit down at a restaurant you’re being sized up. It’s called “reading a table” and wait staff at fine dining and chain restaurants alike are trained in the technique, according to the The Wall Street Journal. Beyond flair, and memorizing specials, a good waiter can anticipate the needs of a customer at a glance.

At chain restaurants around the country that's what they're being trained to do. Servers at Denny's, T.G.I Fridays, and Romano's Macaroni Grill are now taught to pay closer attention to the subtle gestures and understated remarks of their customers. The goal for servers is twofold: give the customer a better dining experience by predicting their needs, and ultimately get a bigger tip.

More: 15 secrets your waiter won't tell you Some obvious signals servers are trained to look out for: Chatty, friendly parties who make eye contact with each other and their server. At kid-friendly restaurants child psychology comes into play. Related: Is 15 percent a bad tip? Best Canned Beers to Drink Now.

Love and Marriage

Dating Sites and Software. Here Are Almost All Of The Possible Reasons Why You Were Dumped, In A Drop-Down Menu. 10 Tips for Dating in the Social Media Age. How many times have you overanalyzed or misinterpreted a love interest's text, let alone a public tweet or comment? And how come he only liked that funny picture I posted on his wall? Why didn't he comment on it? Has he lost interest in me? SEE ALSO: 36 Digital Tools That Make Long-Distance Relationships a Little Easier Real-time and geosocial sites have changed the dating game. While publicizing what you're doing and where you are all the time makes less room for dishonesty, it may also drive some people crazy. Say you asked someone out, and they declined because they made other plans. If you're victim of this type of logic, shut your laptop right now and go outside or read a book.

Here are ten things to keep in mind. Image courtesy of iStock, Creative Improv. Texts From Last Night » Theme Parties. Theme Parties You’ve been avoiding the clock all afternoon. Only a few hours left until the longest work week of all time comes to a close and you deserve a drink or six, damn it. After sending the last set of revisions to Bob (that asshole), you finally allow yourself to peek at the clock. 11am. That can’t be…you’ve been here since forever ago, it’s quitting time. Looking at your computer, you notice a new email…from Bob. “Why are you sending me this now?” He says, “the presentation isn’t until Friday. Let’s just be honest with ourselves here — we could all use an excuse to get a little out of hand every now and then…even when “every now” happens to be a Tuesday and “then” happened to have been just last Saturday. 1.

. (204): We need you. . (757): tell me how a rose bowl party involves waking up to find a raccoon in my kitchen cabinet eating my oreos the next morning? (814): we’re havin a 400 loko party for joe pa’s 400th win. come get loko 2. . (605): Can you give me a hickey quick? 3. 4. 5. 7 Ways Facebook Complicates Dating. Yes, Facebook connects us with the people in our lives.

Sometimes, however, the social network can complicate our dating. Here are seven examples. Information about your current partner, ex, or a potential boyfriend or girlfriend to-be can be too much to handle! For example, if her status update says, “Goin’out tonight. There’s a good chance that the love of your life is one of your Facebook friends, and that can be a very good thing or something quite painful. Or, you might see a guy you’re interested in tagged in a photo with another woman. Facebook lets your friends speculate about your relationship status. Your friend says, “So dude, I see this girl, Jessica, who writes on your wall…all the time! As if dating wasn’t awkward enough, Facebook makes it even worse. A lot of guys resort to sending messages in making a first move on a girl. Some guys go a step further and make a move by writing on a girl’s wall, making their efforts a public spectacle. Have you ever seen this one before? How To Be More Interesting (In 10 Simple Steps)

How to charm the female mind. Why You Should Kiss More. Here's What a Cheap Date Costs Around the World. Dating isn't cheap. But in some places, a night out on the town is a lot more expensive than in others. Deutsche Bank has a new report looking at prices around the world, which include what they call a "cheap date" index...though we'd argue that $183 for a movie, pizza, and a couple of beers in New York City is anything but cheap.

[Related: Reversing disastrous date-night conversations]TOKYO: A date will set you back $234.77 Gustty/Flickr Delivery of a dozen roses: $111.522 movie tickets: $42.08Cab ride (3 km): $14.15 SYDNEY: A date will set you back $216.22 Delivery of a dozen roses: $95.402 movie tickets: $63.72Cab ride (3 km): $12.11 LONDON: A date will set you back $207.01 Unlisted Sightings/Flickr Delivery of a dozen roses: $111.522 movie tickets: $32.78Cab ride (3 km): $13.12 MELBOURNE: A date will set you back $190.35 Delivery of a dozen roses: $95.402 movie tickets: $39.96Cab ride (3 km): $11.05 NEW YORK CITY: A date will set you back $183.01 Michelle.Hayes/Flickr LWY/Flickr Allen Skyy/Flickr. Skip the small talk on your next date. The science of microexpressions.