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Computing and ICT. Java Collections API. The Spriters Resource. XPath Tutorial. Artikel på - 14 / Java lathund #2 - Klass och main-metod. LeJOS, Java for Lego Mindstorms. StarUML - The Open Source UML/MDA Platform. Index of /~greg/stackoverflow/ebooks. Java Tutoruial - Spellista - YouTube - thenewbostons kanal. Bruce Eckel's MindView, Inc: Book Download Sites. These are the independent sites who have offered to mirror the books Thinking in C++, 2nd Edition, Thinking in Java, 1st and 2nd Editions, and Thinking in Patterns, all of which include source code.

Bruce Eckel's MindView, Inc: Book Download Sites

Make sure you check the contents of the sites against the Master Download Site (below); there is no guarantee that the mirror sites have been updated to include the most recent files. If you find a dead link, please email it to me. The current versions of each book are shown on the Master Download Site (below). Click here if you want to mirror the books on your site We regularly clean the dead sites from this page. Intro to Java. Michael Marner's Website » Blog Archive » Java Tutorial 01 – Intro To Java. Course: Programmering B. Programmer Competency Matrix.

Manifesto for Software Craftsmanship. Model-View-Controller. Model-View-Controller-koncept.


Den heldragna linjen representerar en direkt förbindelse, den streckade linjen indikerar förbindelse via en observatör. Model-View-Controller (MVC) är ett designmönster som används inom systemutveckling. I komplexa datorapplikationer kan det vara lämpligt att separera data (Model) och presentation (View) så att inte datahanteringen får konsekvenser på grund av förändringar i presentationslagret, samt att data kan omorganiseras utan behöva ändra i presentationslagret. MVC löser detta problem genom att separera data och affärslogiken från presentationen och användarinteraktionen, genom att introducera en mellanliggande komponent: Controllern. Beskrivning av designmönstret[redigera | redigera wikitext] MVC är ett av de äldsta designmönstrena som beskrivits. Det är vanligt att dela upp en applikation i separata lager: presentation (användargränssnitt), domän och data.

MVC omfattar mer av applikationens arkitektur än vad som är normalt för ett designmönster. Hottest 'dtr1207' Questions. is for distributing Greenfoot, but also provides a forum to publish, use and discuss Greenfoot projects.

Our members The Greenfoot website is public: anyone can use it, join and submit content - as long as you follow the site rules. They are, in short: be nice, and don't do anything offensive or illegal. Greenfoot is aimed at children and young adults, so all content posted here on the site must also be safe to be viewed by minors. If you want to create programs yourself, then you can download Greenfoot from the downloads section, and can get started following the guides we have under the tutorials section.

Many of the scenarios published here on the Gallery include a link to their source code. Contributors Greenfoot is produced at the University of Kent, in conjunction with La Trobe University.