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E-Book-Reader. Digital Editions Supported Devices « Adobe Digital Publishing. eBook Reader Reviews, eReader and Tablet News, Free eBooks. L'actu des ebooks. PRS-T1 (PRST1, PRST1BC.CEW) : Spécifications techniques : Reader eBook. Welcome to Jinke! The Global Leading Manufacturer of eBook Reading Device. The eBook File Compatibility Chart.

With a wide range of eBook file formats out there, figuring out which device plays what can be a major hassle. Here's a list of some of the more popular eBooks out there and which files they are compatible with. This list focuses primarily on eBook formats and does not include music and video file information. This list was last updated on Jan. 3, 2010 and will be checked regularly to account for product upgrades and additional devices.

Don't forget to check our eReader Hub as well. With a wide range of eBook file formats out there, figuring out which device plays what can be a major hassle. NOTE: The acronyms on the left refer to file extensions. *The LRF extension is also sometimes known as BBeB or "Broad Band eBook. " *1-Available through Kindle firmware update 2.3. **For Sony Reader owners: Sony's Readers indirectly support some files via conversion. ****Some "compatible" files won't run if they have DRM or copy protection. Photo © Amazon. eBOOK-Manía. La tecnología de última generación en libros electrónicos. Mundo geek.