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Portal Cubarte. | ISMIR - The International Society for Music Information Retrieval. Conferences, Publications and Related Activities. About: Musipedia Melody Search Engine. Welcome to Musipedia! Inspired by, but not affiliated with Wikipedia, we are building a searchable, editable, and expandable collection of tunes, melodies, and musical themes. Every entry can be edited by anybody. An entry can contain a bit of sheet music, a MIDI file, textual information about the work and the composer, and last but not least the Parsons Code, a rough description of the melodic contour.

Rainer Typke started this website and is running it, but there are many more people whose contributions are important: A bit more information can be found in the Wikipedia article about Musipedia. For technical details of how the melody search works, see Rainer's publications. Plaine and Easie to MusicXML converter. Pae2xml is a Perl script for converting music in the plain&easy format to MusicXML. It was developed for converting music incipits as they can be found in the RISM database into a format from where conversions to a range of other formats is easy. Actually, this converter takes text files as they can be exported from the RISM software, checks them for the presence of plain&easy music and then creates a MusicXML file for each plain&easy incipit.

You need Perl. Perl is available for most platforms. If you just want to convert some plain&easy music, you need to modify the script. Your Perl code would have to call the parse_pe function for this purpose. If you want to extract and convert all plain&easy incipits from a text file that was written by the RISM software, you can use this script directly. Supports: New in Reinhold Kainhofer's latest version: Author: Rainer Typke. MusicXML Overview | Discover Music - Your Search Start Here | Beta 2.0: index.