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Poster comme un pro sur Google+ : tutoriel simple. 05-APPRIVOISER-GOOGLE+.pdf (Objet application/pdf) 60 secondes pour comprendre Google + Google+ Project: It's Social, It's Bold, It's Fun, And It Looks Good — Now For The Hard Part. Last night, you may have heard talk of a mysterious black bar appearing on the top of Or you may have even seen it yourself.

No, you weren’t hallucinating. It was a sign of something about to show itself. Something big. What is Google+? Sort of. You see, the truth is that Google really is trying not to make a huge deal out of Google+. How’s that for downplaying it? “We believe online sharing is broken. What he proceeds to show me is a product that in many ways is so well designed that it doesn’t really even look like a Google product. The first thing Gundotra shows me about Google+, and the first thing you’re likely to interact with, is something called “Circles”. It’s through Circles that users select and organize contacts into groups for optimal sharing. Gundotra realizes that many social services have tried and failed to get users to create groups. Next, Gundotra showed off a feature called “Sparks”.

“Our goal here is to connect people. So when can you try Google+? More: