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Welcome • Board Game Arena. Dear all, As you know, for two years and a half, we have been giving without counting to allow you to discover the best board games online. Our goal when we started this website was to create the best board gaming website online. With 32 games online (and a lot more to come) and 500 to 600 players online every evening, BGA is not very far of getting to be the most popular website of its category, and we feel like we completed our mission.

Since two years and a half, we have had to battle with our families, our friends, our jobs and our social life overall to find the time needed for this adventure. We managed to do it thanks to our passion and our willingness to never stay put and to always go forward through innovation: the collaborative translation system, BGA Studio or the new lobby are the fruits from this state of mind. Fortunately, two old friends of ours have confirmed their interest to take back this website. The second, Charles Sharktooth, is also a long time acquaintance. Race for the Galaxy AI. This is a project to create artificial intelligence opponent(s) for the card game Race for the Galaxy. Currently, the base game and all three expansions are supported. With the release of version 0.7.0, online multiplayer is supported. You can see the results of completed games. News 2012-10-22 -- The mirror holding the downloads appears to have gone away. Downloads Source code The following package contains the source code, card images, and neural networks.

Download the source code package version 0.8.1 from dropbox -- This is the preferred location Windows The following is a Windows self-extractor that contains everything needed to play. Download the Windows installer version 0.8.1 from dropbox -- This is the preferred location Mac OS X The following is a pre-compiled binary for Mac machines running OS X. See the FAQ for some common gameplay questions and answers. See also Rio Grande Games is the publisher and holds all the copyrights for the images and card names. Donations Contact. Dragons Nocturnes. Yucata. Free Online Puzzle Games and Board Games from

BoardGameGeek. (rol) Civ :: trade and other things. (rol) Civilization Log in. Welcome to (CIV), a web adaptation of the board game Advanced Civilization by Avalon Hill Games. Rewind back in time, thousands of years B.C. You find yourself in ancient Roman terrain, alone in a chaotic world without allies or money. It is up to you and your intelligent decision making to build. Trading goods for goods and becoming a nation of people that will live on to perservere. Build ships to move to better soil. Obsidian Portal - Campaign websites for Dungeons and Dragons and other tabletop RPGs. Obsidian Portal - Campaign websites for Dungeons and Dragons and other tabletop RPGs.