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Public Speaking

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Taller para hablar en público – Aventuras de una traductora-intérprete en Madrid. Ayer se celebró en Madrid uno de los talleres para hablar en público impartido por Aline Casanova.

Taller para hablar en público – Aventuras de una traductora-intérprete en Madrid

Si sois lectores habituales del blog seguramente os suene el nombre. Aline nos habló el otoño pasado de InterpreTimeBank. Fue una experiencia muy interesante. Hace aproximadamente 10 años fui profesora de Aline y ser su alumna me ha encantado. No me dedico a dar charlas, por lo que podría pensar que no necesito hablar bien en público, pero aunque el discurso no sea mío, cuando hago consecutiva hablo en público y en simultánea también tengo un público atento a lo que digo. Antes del taller nos envío un cuestionario para saber cuáles eran las áreas que más nos interesaba mejorar. La primera parte del taller de 4 horas de duración no defraudó en absoluto. Nos recomendó que para proyectar bien la voz como ponente o en una consecutiva debíamos analizar la sala en la que íbamos a trabajar.


Daily Elocution Exercises: Warm up your voice. Expresión Corporal - Cómo Usar Las Manos Para Comunicar. How to stop saying um. Presentation 101! Tips. Networking. The sketch note guide. Voice training. 10 presentation facts you should know. Silence. Tip4. Stage fright. Public speaking anxiety. Study: Fight Performance Anxiety by Getting Excited - Julie Beck. "Calm down" might not be the best advice before public speaking.

Study: Fight Performance Anxiety by Getting Excited - Julie Beck

Problem: Anxiety, as documented by Scott Stossel’s recent cover story in The Atlantic, and the online discussion that followed, is a multi-faceted, variable problem that affects many, many people. And everyone has different strategies for coping. A recent study in the Journal of Experimental Psychology looked at one particular brand of anxiety—performance anxiety. Because life is cruel, previous research has shown that anxiety can hurt performance, knowledge that certainly isn’t going to make anyone less anxious. When faced with clammy palms or trouble breathing before a big meeting or public speaking event, the default advice is to try to calm down. Methodology: Brooks conducted a series of experiments designed to see test the possibility of “reappraising” anxiety as excitement. Next, a different group of 113 participants were asked to sing on a karaoke video game, an anxiety-inducing task to be sure.

Adrenaline rush. Public speaking fear. Presentain: Interaction during your presentation (and after) There is a new tool to make presentations more than just a story to doze off and looking at your smartphone.

Presentain: Interaction during your presentation (and after)

You are still looking at your smartphone but now it becomes part of the presentation. How cool is that!? Today we had our social business event #change for our customers and partners. To change our way of presenting we used the tool Presentain. The product is still in beta but the guys behind this startup were really helpful. What is does? Speech pace. How to connect. Tip. Fear of public speaking. 10 Public Speaking Tips. Anatomy of a good speaker (Brené Brown as a speaker)


Body Language. Apps. Caring for Your Voice, tips on taking care of your voice. When You're Presenting, Your Voice Can Be Your Most Important Tool.Here Are Five Tips On How To Care For Your Speaking Voice.

Caring for Your Voice, tips on taking care of your voice

Your voice is a powerful but delicate instrument. With the right care, you can both protect your voice and use it to your best advantage. Start by caring for your voice with this five-step approach. One: Breathe deeply. You can speak only as well as you breathe. Beginning speakers often hurt their voices because they aren't breathing deeply enough. Breathe deeply even as you make your way to the front of the room. Two: Learn to relax. Three: Condition your voice. Four: Hydrate. Avoid foods and beverages that impair your voice. Avoid spicy foods, which can increase the production of stomach acids.

Avoid alcohol, which dehydrates. Be aware of any medications you may be taking, such as allergy pills, which can dry out your throat. La voz como pilar básico de la expresión oral. ¡Hola a todos!

La voz como pilar básico de la expresión oral

Hoy seguiré, hablando sobre la importancia que tiene nuestra voz en cualquier profesión, y especialmente si nuestra voz es nuestra herramienta de trabajo, como bien repetí en la entrada anterior. Esta vez, me quiero centrar en la expresión oral, o lo que es lo mismo: el arte de hablar. Este seminario también corrió a cargo de otra de las profesoras de la Escuela de Arte Dramático de Murcia, y que me pareció muy útil, al igual que el anterior.

Lo primero que debemos saber es cuáles son los 3 pilares básicos de la expresión oral: la técnica vocal, la personalidad (carisma y personalidad definida) y el mensaje. Consiste en los siguientes elementos: - Respiración - Fonación - Articulación (dicción, pronunciación, claridad e inteligibilidad de las palabras): Para conseguir una buena articulación, debemos tener una cierta sensibilidad en nuestra boca cuando hablamos. . - Volumen adecuado. Public Speaking. Tips 3.

