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Makers (1/2) : Faire société. “We are all makers” (Nous sommes tous des artisans).

Makers (1/2) : Faire société

Le credo de Dale Dougherty, fondateur de Make Magazine et de Maker Faire, le plus grand événement dédié au mouvement “makers”, est en passe de devenir le nom de référence d’une communauté extrêmement diverse et dynamique, en pleine expansion. Derrière ce sigle rassembleur, inventé par Make Magazine il y a plus de 10 ans au sein même d’O’Reilly Media, géant de l’édition orientée techno fondée par Tim O’Reilly l’un des gourous de l’internet à l’origine du concept de Web 2.0, on trouve une idée clé : il faut encourager la créativité individuelle car elle est porteuse de plus de conscience et responsabilité sociale, comme l’exprimait Dale Dougherty sur la scène de TED. Profitant de la vague du DIY (Do it yourself, pour “Fais le toi-même !”) Qui sont les makers ? La place particulière de San Francisco dans ce monde des makers est peut être à trouver dans le fait que les gens, ici, ont eu le talent d’initier le réseau.

Image : Noisebridge. Attestation RT 2012 : Commander votre étude RT 2012 en ligne. About Maker Faire. Maker Faire is the Greatest Show (and Tell) on Earth—a family-friendly festival of invention, creativity and resourcefulness, and a celebration of the Maker movement.

About Maker Faire

Part science fair, part county fair, and part something entirely new, Maker Faire is an all-ages gathering of tech enthusiasts, crafters, educators, tinkerers, hobbyists, engineers, science clubs, authors, artists, students, and commercial exhibitors. All of these “makers” come to Maker Faire to show what they have made and to share what they have learned. The launch of Maker Faire in the Bay Area in 2006 demonstrated the popularity of making and interest among legions of aspiring makers to participate in hands-on activities and learn new skills at the event. A record 215,000 people attended the two flagship Maker Faires in the Bay Area and New York in 2014, with 44% of attendees first timers at the Bay Area event, and 61% in New York. A family-friendly event, 50% attend the event with children. French Maker Revolution: An Interview with Bertier Luyt. In 2013, there were 100 Maker Faires across the globe, hosted in 20 different countries.

French Maker Revolution: An Interview with Bertier Luyt

The very first Faire in France, the Saint-Malo Mini Maker Faire, took place in October and was very well received. Leading the charge in bringing Maker Faire to France is French maker Bertier Luyt, CEO of le FabShop, who was inspired by his own experiences at our flagship Faires in the Bay Area and New York. Now Bertier and his team are going big to organize the upcoming, large-scale Maker Faire Paris, taking place this summer on June 21 and 22. We spoke with Bertier to find out what drives him and to learn more about the Maker Movement in France. 1. There were a lot of 3D printers that year, and on the first morning I could meet Bre Pettis, Mary Huang, Eric de Bruijn, and Josef Prusa, among other 3D printing heroes. Later in the day I met Sam Blanchard, who was shooting Matrix-style pictures with Polaroid, and next to him Joey Hudy, from whom I bought a 3×3 LED kit. 2. 3.