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The Responsive Organization. Special Edition Paper - Organize for Complexity, part I+II. How to make work work again | BetaCodex Network. The Responsive Organisation: A Framework for Changing How Your Organi… The Responsive Organization. If the rate of change on the outside exceeds the rate of change on the inside, the end is near. - Jack Welch The rate of change external to each of our organisations is now so great that no organisation can ensure it is changing faster than the external system. Global interconnectedness, the rapid speed of ideas in a digital economy & new means of working and collaborating means that change will only continue to accelerate. - Simon Terry Preamble As the flow of information increases, companies are gaining competitive advantages by shifting their focus from efficiency to their ability to learn and respond rapidly to new information. Companies today are realizing that adaptability and iteration speed are paramount, necessitating a fundamental rethinking of corporate structures and information systems.

The Shift A number of fundamental shifts in corporate structures and information systems are required to take advantage of the increased speed of information. From Efficiency to Responsiveness. The Responsive Organization.