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The coming problem of our iPhones being more intelligent than us. Once machines become smarter than us, our future could be in someone else’s hands.

The coming problem of our iPhones being more intelligent than us

Google patents customisable robot personalities. Artificial Intelligence Is Almost Ready for Business. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an idea that has oscillated through many hype cycles over many years, as scientists and sci-fi visionaries have declared the imminent arrival of thinking machines.

Artificial Intelligence Is Almost Ready for Business

When IoT Meets Artificial Intelligence. The Internet-of-Things provides us with lots of sensor data.

When IoT Meets Artificial Intelligence

However, the data by themselves do not provide value unless we can turn them into actionable, contextualized information. Big data and data visualization techniques allow us to gain new insights by batch-processing and off-line analysis. Real-time sensor data analysis and decision-making is often done manually but to make it scalable, it is preferably automated. Artificial Intelligence provides us the framework and tools to go beyond trivial real-time decision and automation use cases for IoT. In this and the next couple of blog posts, i will explain how waylay has developed a platform that uses concepts from artificial intelligence and applied those to the use case of smarter decision making in IoT. Before we go there, it is important to understand the difference and relationship between big data and real-time reasoning. The rational agent is a central concept in artificial intelligence. The Rights of Robots: Technology, Culture and Law in the 21st Century.

Robot rights are already part of judiciary planning–can sentient machines be far off?

The Rights of Robots: Technology, Culture and Law in the 21st Century

This discussion of robot rights looks in-depth at issues once reserved for humans only. Originally published 1988. Published on August 6, 2001. First Demonstration Of Artificial Intelligence On A Quantum Computer — The Physics arXiv Blog. Physicists have long claimed that quantum computers have the potential to dramatically outperform the most powerful conventional processors.

First Demonstration Of Artificial Intelligence On A Quantum Computer — The Physics arXiv Blog

The secret sauce at work here is the strange quantum phenomenon of superposition, where a quantum object can exist in two states at the same time. The advantage comes when one of those states represents a 1 and the other a 0, forming a quantum bit or qubit. Why can’t the world’s greatest minds solve the mystery of consciousness? One spring morning in Tucson, Arizona, in 1994, an unknown philosopher named David Chalmers got up to give a talk on consciousness, by which he meant the feeling of being inside your head, looking out – or, to use the kind of language that might give a neuroscientist an aneurysm, of having a soul.

Why can’t the world’s greatest minds solve the mystery of consciousness?

Though he didn’t realise it at the time, the young Australian academic was about to ignite a war between philosophers and scientists, by drawing attention to a central mystery of human life – perhaps the central mystery of human life – and revealing how embarrassingly far they were from solving it. Inadvertent Algorithmic Cruelty. Florida pastor plans to convert robots to Christianity. Artificial intelligence and autonomous robots should be encouraged to become religious, a US reverend has said.

Florida pastor plans to convert robots to Christianity

Reverend Christopher Benek, associate pastor of Providence Presbyterian Church in Florida, believes advanced forms of artificial intelligence should be welcomed into the Christian faith. Goodbye, Turing Test; Bring on the Turing Decathlon. Advanced Robotics Technology. The real reason Elon Musk is scared of A.I. Elon Musk and other big shots in the tech industry are really scared of artificial intelligence.

The real reason Elon Musk is scared of A.I.

He recently donated $10 million to “an AI research institute earmarked for a global research program aimed at keeping AI beneficial to humanity.” 9 Things Computers Can Do Now That They Couldn't Do A Year Ago. Software and silicon are sometimes the poor relations of the science world, their advances eclipsed by more glamorous breakthroughs in physics, genetics, and space exploration.

9 Things Computers Can Do Now That They Couldn't Do A Year Ago

Progress in AI and robotics, in particular, is often greeted with as much with trepidation as praise. Yet some amazing leaps were made in 2014 alone, from a robotic hand which an amputee can "feel" to a realistic virtual universe. Here's our nine best new advances: 1. Play "Emotionally Engaging" Music In April, electronic artist Squarepusher released an EP called Music for Robots, which was played by actual robots with musical superpowers. Squarepusher’s objective was to see if robot musicians could play emotionally engaging music. Auto Correct - The New Yorker. Human beings make terrible drivers.

Auto Correct - The New Yorker

They talk on the phone and run red lights, signal to the left and turn to the right. We Know How You Feel. Three years ago, archivists at A.T. & T. stumbled upon a rare fragment of computer history: a short film that Jim Henson produced for Ma Bell, in 1963. All Can Be Lost: The Risk of Putting Our Knowledge in the Hands of Machines - Nicholas Carr. We rely on computers to fly our planes, find our cancers, design our buildings, audit our businesses. That's all well and good. But what happens when the computer fails? On the evening of February 12, 2009, a Continental Connection commuter flight made its way through blustery weather between Newark, New Jersey, and Buffalo, New York.

As is typical of commercial flights today, the pilots didn’t have all that much to do during the hour-long trip.

Empatic robot

Neurotic robots. UN debate on killer robots. Artificial intelligence ethical questions. AI as board members.