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Situations apprentissages. Remository. Math and Science Lessons for Teachers Using the SMART Board Interactive Whiteboard. Classroom technology just got smarter with Notebook collaborative learning software.

Math and Science Lessons for Teachers Using the SMART Board Interactive Whiteboard

Teachers can easily design dynamic lesson activities using Notebook software and deliver those lessons on their SMART Board interactive whiteboards. Notebook software has a work area, easy-to-use tools, and content. The lessons provided on this site will give you a taste of the many exciting things you can do in Notebook software. You can see just how easy it is to create and deliver lessons that are interesting and interactive while reinforcing learning objectives. Des exercices éducatifs de la maternelle au secondaire. MathoCollege - Les mathématiques au collège. Mission possible en TIC! - Math. Sciences Techno. Clicmathématique. Gèomètrie (Niveaux 3 - 5) Le TBI pour m'aider en mathématique en classe d'adaptation scolaire. Netmaths.

Introduction aux fractions - Fractions, Fractions équivalentes, Ensemble.