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Foreign Language Expertise - The Website of Alexander Arguelles. Babel No More | The Search for the World's Most Extraordinary Language Learners. Buffer - A Smarter Way to Share on Social Media. Leo starts up. George Carlin ~ The American Dream. 'Facebook zorgt voor hogere opkomst verkiezingen' |

AMSTERDAM - Amerikaans onderzoek keek naar de invloed van sociale netwerken op het stemgedrag van kiezers tijdens de Midterm Elections in de Verenigde Staten en zag een hogere opkomst. Foto: ANP De onderzoekers van de University of California, San Diego, publiceren hun onderzoek morgen in het tijdschrift Nature. Het onderzoek, waarbij op de dag van de verkiezingen (2 november 2010) een speciaal Facebook-bericht bij mensen op hun Facebook-pagina verscheen, zorgde voor een kleine 300.000 extra mensen in het stemhokje in de echte wereld. De studie liet bij 61 miljoen mensen op Facebook een niet aan een partij gelieerd, "Ga Stemmen"-bericht bovenaan de nieuwsstroom verschijnen. 'I Voted' Het berichtje bestond verder uit een herinnering met de tekst "Today is Election Day" (vandaag zijn de verkiezingen); een klikbare "I Voted" (ik heb gestemd)-knop; een link naar locale stembureau's en een teller hoeveel Facebook-gebruikers al met de knop lieten weten gestemd te hebben.

Invloed Verschil. CosmoLearning | Your Free Online School: Courses, Video Lectures, Documentaries, Images, Books and more. Managerial Accounting - Basic Cost Concepts. What would be our cost next year if our production is doubled? It may remain the same or be exactly double or in between. All depends on cost behavior which refers to how a cost would respond or react to changes in production. If cost is fixed in nature as in a university, doubling the number of students would slightly increase the total cost since same teachers, same rooms, same laboratories may accommodate the additional students. But if the major cost item is the direct materials as in edible oil, doubling production would nearly double the cost. A cost which is not related to production is called fixed costs. Any cost which varies exactly in proportion to the change in activity ( production or sale) would be term as variable cost.

MIXED COSTS or SEMI-VARIABLE COSTS In ordinary life we observe that even if we do not use the telephone for a month, the bill would still be there representing fixed charges like line rent. How to Wake Up Feeling Totally Alert. Your alarm goes off at 5am, and you immediately get out of bed without a second thought. As you orient yourself to the waking world, you can barely detect any lingering grogginess, even if you look for it. You stand up and stretch, feeling totally alert, fully conscious, and eager to start your day. The thought of going back to bed to get some extra sleep seems completely alien to you. It feels great to be up early, and you know you’ll put those early morning hours to good use.

Maintaining this habit is easy for you. If this scenario closely matches your current daily reality, you can stop reading now. Waking up groggy During my teen years and well into my 20s, I would usually wake up feeling very groggy in the morning. I wasn’t much good during those morning hours. From grog monster to early riser Fast forward to the present, and I’m a habitual early riser. If you’re so groggy you can’t get up before drifting back to sleep, you don’t need a new alarm clock. Experiment. Fix your diet. Daily Quote Archive Categories. JKOnline in: The official repository of the authentic teachings of J. Krishnamurti You are in: Krishnamurti's Teachings » Daily Quote Archive Daily Quote Archive Categories, search a category Abandonment (1) Action (42) Affection (1) Aggression (1) Aloneness (18) Ambition (4) Anger (4) Anonymity (3) Attachment (14) Attention (19) Austerity (2) Authority (26) Awareness (73) Beauty (15) Becoming (3) Belief (14) Boredom (1) Brain (3) Change (35) Chastity (1) Comfort (1) Compassion (7) Computer and brain (4) Concentration (2) Conditioning (23) Conditionning (3) Conflict (22) Confusion (5) Consciousness (2) Continuity (1) Cooperation (2) Core of the teachings (1) Creating a community (2) Creation (5) Creativity (4) Crisis (1) Death (30) Denial (4) Dependency (4) Desire (14) Destruction (2) Discontent (3) Distraction (4) Division (1) Doubt (2) Drugs (1) Education (18) Effort (6) Emotion (2) Emptyness (8) Energy (15) Enlightenment (5) Equality (1) Escape (3) Eternal (6) Evolution (6) Experience (9) Facts (6) Fear (55) Feeling (2) Fragmentation (2) God (13)

Planet Money. - Share research. Medical Biomagnetism - Guns Germs & Steel: The World. View Thread. The igraph library for complex network research. June 24, 2015 Release Notes This is a new major release, with a lot of UI changes. We tried to make it easier to use, with short and easy to remember, consistent function names.

Unfortunately this also means that many functions have new names now, but don't worry, all the old names still work. Apart from the new names, the biggest change in this release is that most functions that used to return numeric vertex or edge ids, return vertex/edge sequences now. We will update the documentation on this site, once the package is on CRAN and available for all architectures.

More → January 16, 2015 A couple of days ago we changed how we use GitHub for igraph development. Main igraph repositories now: April 21, 2014 Some bug fixes, to make sure that the code included in 'Statistical Analysis of Network Data with R' works. Detailed changes: Some bug fixes, to make sure that the code included in 'Statistical Analysis of Network Data with R' works. February 4, 2014 igraph @ github New homepage More → More →

A Zoomable Graph of the History of Philosophy. Design and Analytics | Ox-work into fox-work. Sigma.js | a lightweight JavaScript graph drawing library. The Modern Anglo-Dutch Liberal Empire. Electrical Engineering 100 - Lecture 1. Natural Forces Within Are True Healers of Disease! The All-Upper-Case Name and the New World Order? Image via Wikipedia When I was a child, in order to read, I first learned my “abc’s”: 26 peculiar symbols that, in combination, could spell out words like “dog” or “cat”. Then, as if 26 letters were not enough, I had to learn that each of the first “small” letters I used also had a corresponding “large” letter–its “capital” or “upper-case” form. Now I had a total of 52 different symbols to learn to recognize, sound out, and write. If there were no difference between word written with lower-case letters (a, b, c) and words written with both lower-case and upper-case (A, B, C) letters, why bother having upper-case letters?

Why have both “a” and “A,” “b” and “B,” and “c” and “C,” if the each the two letters in each pair didn’t mean something significantly different? In the case of mixed upper- and lower-case letters–like “Cat”–we learned that when the first letter of a word was capitalized (upper case) as with capital “C,” the word was a proper noun/ proper name. Video 00:07:13 We shall see. 3D tekeningen door Ramon Bruin | QUOTATIONS TO MAKE US THINK.

Huichelaar of Incompetentie

Profiles. Science. English Phrases: Everything You Need to Know. Phrases are important units of language that we use all of the time. Do you know what they are? Phrases are groups of words, without both a subject and a verb, functioning as a single part of speech. This means that while a phrase is made up of multiple words (all of which have their own function), all of the words work together to perform one larger function. There are many different kinds of phrases, and we're going to explore quite a few of them. Here is a brief overview of each phrase and its diagramming basics. You can also see more diagramming on the diagramming phrases page. Prepositional Phrases These function as adjectives or adverbs. There are two prepositional phrases in the example below. The cake with nuts fell onto the floor.

With nuts is a prepositional phrase that is acting as an adjective. Onto the floor is a prepositional phrase that is acting as an adverb. Are you wondering how to diagram prepositional phrases? Learn more about prepositional phrases here. Verb Phrases. World-Information.Org. World-Infostructure provides information on a variety of topics that enable to understand the context in which actual developments in the field of new media and technologies happen.

The timeline of communication systems presents a chronological overview of the most important events in the history of communication systems and shows the acceleration in the storage and processing of information. Moreover World-Information.Org explores the level of concentration and exclusion between the north and south as well as between the corporate world and the public interest. On the basis of a world map it illustrates the levels of saturation with technology, and the power structures and assets of the commercial sphere vs. the civil sector and the public interest. Slaves and expert systems is concerned with technological developments such as the invention of powered machines, computers, robots and artificial intelligence that enable the automation of labor processes. Related search: World-Infostructure.

How to Write a Blog: The 12 Dos and Don'ts of Writing a Blog. Thinking about writing a blog? Been writing a blog for some time now and have yet to establish any growth (and by “growth” I mean “increased pageviews”)? Over the past 10 years I’ve refined my blogging skills—that’s right, I started my first blog back in 2001 and it is so embarrassing by today’s standards that I’m almost unwilling to link to it … almost.

Blogs for writers are everywhere, and there’s often good advice on them about writing a blog. There’s also plenty of not-so-good advice. Now I currently run several successful blogs, including The Life of Dad and this online editor blog. When Writing a Blog Do … Find your focus. Be relatable, be yourself.What sets bloggers apart from newspaper article feeds is voice. Use links within your posts. Include images. Respond to blog comments. Post to Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Anywhere Else You Can. [Want to land an agent?

When Writing a Blog Don’t … Set Unrealistic Goals. Limit your word count. Make grammar mistakes. Be negative. The 10 *Really* Best Economics Blogs : Economics : Business. 10 Essential Economic Blogs. Thanks to a severe case of ADD and being one of the fastest readers you will ever meet, I read dozens of different business blogs and news feeds every day. If it wasn’t for my obsessive compulsive disorder and pathological fear of missing out on some essential scrap of information I could get by with fewer. Here’s my Top 10, which I suppose would do for business owners who don’t realize how essential it is to track the Papua, New Guinea, commodities exchange and keep up to date on the latest mining information out of Mongolia.* Seeking Alpha Market Currents: If a tree falls in the forest without making a sound but with an economic impact, you’ll find out about it here.

I’ve left out a bunch of great ones, but I’d be remiss if I didn’t also mention my two must-listen podcasts: NPR’s Planet Money and EconTalk. Finding content for your blog is not impossible. There are many places to find ideas. You started a blog for your brand. You knew it was time, and you knew how it would benefit you. And, at the start, the going was great; there were plenty of things to write about. That is, until writer’s block set in, and suddenly you were drawing a blank. Somehow, it just got a bit more complicated. How do you generate great blog content regularly without burning out? Here are some tips to make the ideas flow. 1. Wouldn’t you like to know what questions your readers were hoping you’d answer for them?

Questions on Quora Quora is where people are asking — and answering — questions. The questions asked on are a great source of ideas; blog your answer. Your Own Readers Don’t ignore your own blog’s comments section, or your customer feedback. 2. Google provides generous source material for blog ideas whether they intend to or not. Google Search Google related-search will help you find new ideas. 3. 4. Bing.

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Capitalism. Scientism. Publications. Home (NL) | CycloMedia. Predictions. Centralization and Decentralization. On the other hand, Decentralization is a systematic delegation of authority at all levels of management and in all of the organization. In a decentralization concern, authority in retained by the top management for taking major decisions and framing policies concerning the whole concern.

Rest of the authority may be delegated to the middle level and lower level of management. The degree of centralization and decentralization will depend upon the amount of authority delegated to the lowest level. According to Allen, “Decentralization refers to the systematic effort to delegate to the lowest level of authority except that which can be controlled and exercised at central points.

Decentralization is not the same as delegation. Implications of Decentralization There is less burden on the Chief Executive as in the case of centralization. Custom Search. Organizing decisions. Connected: The Surprising Power of Our Social Networks. Network Science Book. 21 Pictures That Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity. Free Math Help - Math Tutorials and Lessons.

General Systems Theory, Symmetry, and the Theory of Everything. Greetings by James Thomas McBride Postmaster General, Divine Province 5/29/12. This is a brand new update from the Postmaster General James Thomas with some exciting developments. Greetings, I have been silent for some time, but far from idle. I can tell you there are huge changes manifesting right now as a result of your efforts in this matter. I cannot spill the beans yet, for various reasons, but I can tell you in the very near future we will have some major, major announcements for you. I have relocated home and office to facilitate the expansion of the Office of the PMG and establish the Council as established in the Treaty for the Americas on the web site.

I can tell you that we now have a new banking system that will operate through the postal system and allows us to discharge debt and returns the value to the people. This has been accepted in Switzerland and is being established as we speak. We have a new banking system that will allow us to discharge debt. I can assure you that the arrests will take place! Frog Creates An Open-Source Guide To Design Thinking. Brainstorming, whether you believe in it or shun it, is a fantastic neologism. But as Frog Principal Designer David Sherwin has found, it’s also a very American word--one that doesn’t exist in every language. “We were in Bangladesh, trying to translate the idea into Bengali,” says Sherwin, remembering a recent trip his team spent working with teenage girls on community issues. “One of the translators on our team wrote up on the board, brain + storm. It couldn’t be translated.” Sherwin’s experience touches on a crucial problem for many NGOs and foundations attempting to transpose Western methods of social innovation to other cultures.

Today, Frog will release the Collective Action Toolkit, a free, 72-page booklet that seeks to develop a universal framework for people of all ages and cultural backgrounds to tackle big problems in their communities. Check out the Collective Action Toolkit for yourself here. The Use of Mathematics in Computer Games. 1 Introduction The purpose of this article is to have a look at how mathematics is used in computer games. I'll use examples from computer games you've probably already played. There are lots of different types of computer games, and I'll talk about how maths is used in some of the following examples: The First Person Shooter (FPS) is a type of game where you run around 3D levels carrying a big gun shooting stuff.

Examples of this sort of game include Doom , Quake , Half Life , Unreal or Goldeneye . There are other games that look very similar, but aren't first person shooters, for instance Zelda: Ocarina of Time or Mario 64 . The Strategy games are divided into two main types, Real Time Strategy (RTS), and Turn Based Strategy (not usually called TBS for some reason). Simulation games are games that try to make something as realistic as possible.

There are some exercises which you can do (if you want) throughout this article. 2 First Person Shooters Doom, the next breakthrough in graphics. GeoGebra. How Raster Calculator works. Number and Operation Session 6: Number Theory. Home Page Index.