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Video: Node.js by Ryan Dahl - - 2009. Ryan Dahl - JSConf 2010. Jsconf.pdf (Objet application/pdf) Node.js - Debuggable Ltd. Posted on 24/9/09 by Felix Geisendörfer What happens if you take an insanely fast JavaScript engine and build an asynchronous I/O library around it? You get node.js, an up and coming project that brings you bloat-free server-side JavaScript. This enables you to write any kind of "backend" service with just a few lines of JavaScript. But don't take my word for it, here is how a "Hello World" example looks in node.js: This code creates a new http server and tells it to listen on port 8000. Whenever a request comes in, the closure function passed to createServer is fired. In this example we are waiting 2 seconds before sending a "Hello World" response back to the client. However, during those 2 seconds the server will continue to accept new connections. Here is another chart from a req/sec benchmark among various server-side JS libs: Now you may think this is all very nice and stuff, but what do you actually need it for?

. -- Felix Geisendörfer aka the_undefined. Understanding node.js - Debuggable Ltd. Node.js has generally caused two reactions in people I've introduced it to. Basically people either "got it" right away, or they ended up being very confused. If you have been in the second group so far, here is my attempt to explain node: It is a command line tool.

You download a tarball, compile and install the source.It let's you run JavaScript programs by typing 'node my_app.js' in your terminal.The JS is executed by the V8 javascript engine (the thing that makes Google Chrome so fast).Node provides a JavaScript API to access the network and file system "But I can do everything I need in: ruby, python, php, java, ... ! ". I hear you. "Get to the point! " Alright, I will. "Huh? " That's right, everything runs in parallel, except your code.

The day starts by one servant waking up the king and asking him if he needs anything. Once a servant finishes a task, he lines up outside the kings quarter to report. "That's fantastic, but could you quit the silly metaphor and speak geek to me? " Sure. No. The Changelog. If you hadn’t heard, JSON API is a format for building awesome APIs on top of JSON. You can see other posts tagged with JSON API here. Recently, a new project related to JSON API was released: Fortune.js. Fortune.js, a web framework for prototyping rich hypermedia APIs, allows you to rapidly prototype the server side of any JSON API api. Check it out: This will give you all the proper routes and format the responses in the right way to conform with the spec. If you didn’t guess, fortune.js makes heavy use of Node, so you can get it from npm: $ npm install fortune I am super pumped about projects like this, because it shows off the great benefits of standardizing around a type like JSON API.

Node.js + Tropo (SIP, VOIP, ...)