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Wind Turbine Output Boosted 30% by Breakthrough Design. Clean Power Published on April 29th, 2009 | by Timothy B.

Wind Turbine Output Boosted 30% by Breakthrough Design

Hurst Passive structure design of “Wind Energizer” by Leviathan Energy reportedly increases wind turbine efficiency 30% in field tests. Technological advancements in wind energy efficiency have generally come incrementally and usually made via a process of increasingly large wind turbine blades. Put simply, the model has been: longer blades = more output per turbine. But that pattern of incremental improvements may be a thing of the past if Leviathan Energy has anything to say about it. The principle theory at work is that by placing passive objects around a wind farm it will change the circulation around a large wind turbine.

“This is a disruptive technology,” Leviathan Energy CEO Dr. Farb is a bit of a modern day renaissance man. “We’re shaping the flow so that the highest velocities hit the blades. >>See also : Leviathan Launches US Sales Effort for Wind Energizer Images courtesy of Leviathan Energy Follow Tim Hurst on twitter. WindTamer Turbines - The Most Efficient Technology. Tesla Technology: 5 Bladeless Turbines About To Revolutionize Energy Production. Tesla Technology: 5 Bladeless Turbines About To Revolutionize Energy Production “Every home in America can run on wind energy.

Tesla Technology: 5 Bladeless Turbines About To Revolutionize Energy Production

In fact these units can be installed on existing power poles in rural areas, to catch the wind and send its energy back to the plant.” - Raymond Green, Inventor In 1913, Inventor Nikola Tesla patented a bladeless steam turbine that he claimed was the most efficient and the most simple rotary engine ever designed. Due to a lack of high-quality materials, Tesla was never able to properly build his engine. One century later, we now have all the materials needed to build Tesla’s turbine, and in 2010, a patent was issued to a company called Solar Aero for a wind turbine based on the Tesla design. Current wind turbine technology with rotating blades is both inefficient, and causes noise pollution, which has been reported to have detrimental health effects on residents living nearby.

Bladeless Wind Turbine #1: ‘The Saphonian’ Bladeless, funnel-based wind turbine claims huge efficiency gains. Funny Looking Tower Generates 600% More Electrical Energy Than Traditional Wind Turbines. The Sheerwind wind turbine promises to produce 6 times the electrical power than traditional wind turbines.

Funny Looking Tower Generates 600% More Electrical Energy Than Traditional Wind Turbines

This funny looking wind tower acts like a funnel, directing the wind from any angle, down through a tube to a ground based turbine generator. The funneling of the wind through a narrow passage effectively creates a “jet effect” increasing the velocity of the wind, while lowering the pressure. This is called the Venturi Effect. This speeds up the wind turbine mounted inside the narrowest portion and generates electricity. As such it can capture and generate electricity at a much lower wind speed than current wind power technologies. The idea is so simple, so elegant, and promises to produce so much more energy at lower cost and more efficiently, that it might just be the answer to many problems with current wind turbine technology.

Imagine a smaller HOME version on your off grid cabin. Conventional wind turbines use massive turbine generator systems mounted on top of a tower. Via: