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Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal. Stairs.

A Softer World

Happysad. Lesson 936 - Creeping People Out, Part X. Trapped. Image (9442).jpg (JPEG Image, 600x775 pixels) 30309-1298405143-9.jpg (JPEG Image, 360x259 pixels) 30286-1298405210-9.jpg (JPEG Image, 500x333 pixels) 30316-1298405482-16.jpg (JPEG Image, 434x289 pixels) 30309-1298404966-8.jpg (JPEG Image, 500x460 pixels) Hipstergaston.jpg (JPEG Image, 500x358 pixels) Hipsterqueen.jpg (JPEG Image, 447x561 pixels) Enhanced-buzz-9714-1297193066-33_width_600x.jpeg (JPEG Image, 349x360 pixels) 16.jpeg (JPEG Image, 403x365 pixels) 19.jpeg (JPEG Image, 500x370 pixels)

Recitation 89 - Sex Scenes. Lesson 903 - Slippery Slopes. I'd actually written and prepped most of this comic before Maryland held its debate on the gay marriage bill on Friday, but considering how it turned out (and considering I'm currently living here), it feels appropriate to get this one posted today. There were a lot of positives that could be taken out of the debate, even by those of us who supported it and even though it failed.

First, when I was listening to the debate, there were very few people planning on voting against it who got up and spoke. Secondly, those who did often did not cite religious arguments - considering this is a country founded on freedom of religion, that's certainly a factor to take some comfort in. Thirdly, there were a number of people who spoke in favor of the bill who recognized they would take heat from their family and constituents for their vote - and they didn't care. Daily Lessons in Science, Literature, Love and Life . . . Updated Seven Days A Week.