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My favorites around the blogosphere

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The Wild Hunt. The Village Witch. Same deal as the last one. This one hails from 2002 and was written as a talk and printed as an essay on the Witches Voices website. As I write this, I am sitting by a lake surrounded by 1600 acres of YMCA camp. In the past couple of days, we've had a sampling of available spring weather: cold, wet, sunny, foggy, hot enough to burn fair Irish skin. It is almost painfully beautiful, even though the deciduous trees haven't leafed yet. It smells good here, too. Let me be clear at the outset--I like Earth Day. But Earth Day always falls to 'holiday syndrome'--it comes and goes and we don't have to think about it again for another year. Most of us don't feel connected to our planet in any meaningful way.

Before we were kicked out, ashamed of our animal nakedness, we were given orders to name every critter in the garden and, once the magic ritual of naming was complete, the garden and everything in it was ours to do with as we thought fit. The arrogance of this position stuns me. Druid Journal. Hecate. Goddess A Day - My quest for the ten thousand names of the Godde. Aquila ka Hecate. Gus diZerega's blog on Pagan religion - A Pagan's Blog. Thank you for visiting A Pagans Blog. This blog is no longer being updated. Please enjoy the archives. Here is another blog you may also enjoy:The Latest on Pagan and Earth-Based Religions Happy Reading!!!

I think Earth Day is a particularly important moment for contemplation and commitment by us Pagans. Often American Christian critics accuse us of “pantheism,” and in a important respect they are right. We do find the sacred, most of us, in the earth without reference to any transcendental spiritual force. I deeply believe the problems in our country are more of the heart than of the head.

These guys do not have the advantage of seeing their path as one way to spiritual truth among many of similar value. Muslims and Christians in Memphis. and another and this These examples are between people who believe the other is deeply mistaken spiritually. I believe the root issue is that Americans need to rethink their relation to food. The Archdruid Report. Medusa Coils.

Of shelters and purebreds. Most people get the whole notion of going to the local animal shelter to get a pet. They see it as the more compassionate option, because 60% of animals who enter shelters don't come out again, and not because they're sick or dangerous. There is just a serious lack of resources to offer them, either in a shelter or someone's home.

So the idea is to go get one from a shelter because you're saving a life in addition to acquiring a great new addition to the family. So why do these same people treat adoption of human children like it's some last resort that only failures as women and men ever resort to? Why are they compassionate enough to want to save an animal's life, but when it comes to a human, it's gotta be their genes or no dice. Oopsie babies are one thing. Blog o' Gnosis. After eight years of blogging I am finally correcting a major oversight. I can’t very well be a late-Boomer Bay Area native and not write at least once about the Grateful Dead; it just isn’t done. So here goes. The Grateful Dead were once as ubiquitous as tie-dye on Telegraph Ave. They played constantly, both locally and on tour, and their New Years Eve shows at the Oakland Auditorium were legendary.

As a teenager I was too much of a musical snob to pay them much attention. Their music seemed rambling, disjointed, and not very interesting. Dropping acid and seeing the Dead is what passed for a rite of passage in some circles. The summer I turned 18 provided a fantastic opportunity. This particular summer of 1980 they’d decided to go to Alaska for one reason only: the Dead were playing Anchorage on the Summer Solstice! I didn’t know anyone else going on the trip, but that did not deter me in the least. Three girls my age from Texas were my first disappointment. Tracks In The Witchwood. Witchmoot. From Jupiter. Quaker Pagan Reflections. The Gods Are Bored. Lover of Strife. Paganism & Wicca - Pagan and Wiccan Religion. Writing While Under the Influence of Faeries.