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Displays. Teaching Displays. Teacher's Pet » Home » The most unique and original collection of downloadable EYFS, KS1, KS2 classroom display resources, teaching aids, games and activities available online! » A Sparklebox alternative. Teach Junkie - Teaching ideas, downloads, tips and more! Teach JunkieHow To Create a Sub Plan, Sub Binder and Emergency Sub Plans » Teach Junkie. Classroom Solutions, Top Teaching Ideas in Teacher Blogs.

Beautiful Word Clouds. Vision Boards For Kids. We are limited, not by our abilities, but by our vision. ~ Unknown When I was growing up, I had a poster of a ballerina on my wall with the statement: If You Can Imagine It, You Can Achieve It, If You Can Dream It, You Can Become It. I know. It’s a little cliché, but that doesn’t make it any less true. That statement had a profound impact on the way I looked at life. I believe strongly in the power of imagination to shape our lives.

The Ballard Girl’s Vision Boards I had been working on a vision board activity for our Big Test Success program, when I happened to come across a facebook post from my friend, the amazing Susanne Ballard. Susanne’s nine year old daughter, Kirby shared her vision board with me and told me a little bit about what she chose to put on it and why. She has a smiling mouth because she wants braces, an image of two friends because she wants to focus on deeper relationships, a picture of herself writing because she wants to write more. Materials Direction 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. K - 12: Helping Students Achieve Dreams Through the Vision Board. The impossible has been obtained in this globe mainly due to the objectives and experienced concepts and objectives of so-called mavericks. Having a desire, be it to fight social injustices or to journey through space, has allowed humans to create the globe a better place to live in and to discover the secret that is life and beyond.

Motivating learners to have little or big objectives, picturing and success stories is a great addiction to teach during the university years. Care needs to be taken not to pressurize or operate learners towards a certain path. A natural studying approach needs to be followed to be able for the undergraduate to extend his/her capabilities and have extensive thoughts and objectives. A wonderful way to motivate learners to have objectives is by assisting the creating of a desire panel. 1) Suggestion and mind-mapping of objectives and dreams: Suggestion and mind-mapping are two popular as well as helpful tools used to work towards a desire. Education / Prohibits roll away dice. Seriously, why didn't I think of this? Ideas 4 School / Grading clips for organizing. I'm doing this!!

Planning and resources. Classroom ideas. Classroom Insights. STEM on the Agenda at Colorado Symposium (Part One) At Preston Middle School in Fort Collins, CO, science, technology, engineering and math are always top of mind. STEM is a driving force at the school year-round, including the summer months. This week, Preston library … SMART amp Software Update: 5 Things to Know SMART amp collaborative learning software launches in April! Vote from the Heart for Your Favorite SEE Video! We’ve praised SMART Exemplary Educators (SEEs) on our blog before as passionate, connected, fearless, adaptive, kind leaders, lifelong learners and advocates for change. 5 St. Happy St. SMART Board Ideas usually posts … Pi Day: 5 Things to Know Happy Pi Day on Friday!

Lessons Learned from My Students. June 13, 2013 By: Candice Dowd Barnes, EdD in Teaching and Learning My students have taught me some invaluable lessons during my first two years as a college professor. I’d like to share three of the most important ones here. They aren’t new lessons and I didn’t use any unique methods to learn them. Assumptions about students can be dangerous I have learned from students that new learning can be overwhelming. I complicated the problem with my assumptions about their skills, knowledge, and dispositions.

Deepen the learning to maximize the learning It has always been my goal to impart as much knowledge as possible to prepare students for careers in their respective disciplines. Champion the content Students are exceedingly concerned with their final grades and miss the value of learning the content. To combat this challenge, it was important for me to find a way to champion what is truly valuable and important. Dr. Reprinted from The Teaching Professor, 26.5 (2012): 6. Awesome Chart for Teachers- Alternatives to Traditional Homework. Better Group Work Experiences Begin with How the Groups Are Formed. July 31, 2013 By: Maryellen Weimer, PhD in Teaching Professor Blog Like many matters regarding teaching and learning, there isn’t one best way to put students into groups. The best way is related to what you want students to learn from their group experience. Here’s a brief discussion of how that works for three common ways of forming groups.

Randomly formed groups – Students join with others sitting nearby or the teacher creates groups using some random method like birthdays, house numbers, last digit in a cell phone number, etc. The advantage of this approach is that it’s quick. The method is also a good one to use if you want students to meet more of their classmates. Student-formed groups– Students form their own groups, selecting members from among their classmates. Teacher-formed groups – Teachers assign students to groups using any number of different criteria. There are other criteria teachers can use to form groups and they may be more important than ability. Learners NOT Students!

All of us are learners. Think about it. We were born curious and open to learning or we wouldn't walk or talk. It's just how each of us were made. Learning is part of us. 1350-1400 - Middle English, alteration (influenced by Latin studre, to study) of studient, studiant, from Old French estudiant, one who studies, from present participle of estudier, to study, from Medieval Latin studire, from Latin studium, study.] This is the 21st century not the Middle Ages.

All the references to student that we could find represent someone who studies or is being taught as part of an institution. A student is someone who is learning when they attend an educational institution. In the Free Online Dictionary, student means: 1. A. B. How about calling students, "learners? " Think about yourself as a learner in and outside of school.

A student... What do you think of the term "learner"? Stop Motion Animation Software for Kids | Animation in a Box!

Art & Craft

Edgalaxy. Cool stuff 4 Nerdy Teachers ( posters etc. ZooBurst. ZooBurst is a digital storytelling tool that lets anyone easily create his or her own 3D pop-up books. Using ZooBurst, storytellers of any age can create their own rich worlds in which their stories can come to life. ZooBurst books “live” online and can be experienced on your desktop or laptop computer, or on your iPad via the free ZooBurst mobile app. Authors can arrange characters and props within a 3D world that can be customized using uploaded artwork or items found in a built-in database of over 10,000 free images and materials. ZooBurst authors can share books with readers using a simple hyperlink, and books can easily be embedded in any website or blog, allowing authors to provide their own contextual framework to their stories.

Authors can also maintain a moderated discussion forum for each book, providing a virtual space in which readers can interact with one another. iPad users can also experience ZooBurst books using our free mobile app (available on the iTunes app store).