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30 Unintentionally Inappropriate Domain Names. In theory, choosing a domain name is a simple task. It has to be short, clever, memorable, easily spelled and communicate your business message. Let’s say you’ve done an awesome job and now you are ready to register it. Wait! Look again. Are you sure there are no dirty words hiding in the letters of longer words and their combinations? So forget your company name and the words you’ve used in your domain name for a while. Still nothing? 1. IT Scrap 2. Who Represents? 3. Pen Island 4. Experts Exchange 5. Speed Of Art 6. North Of Boston Jewish Singles 7. Go Tahoe North 8. Les Bocages 9. American Scrap Metal 10. Master Bait Online 11. Therapist In a Box 12. Analemma Society 13. Therapist Finder 14. Winters Express 15. Swiss Bit 16. Dickson Web (now redirected to 17. Therapist 18.

Budget Cook Island 19. MP3s Hits 20. Kids Exchange 21. Choose Spain 22. Ben Dover 23. Bitef Art Cafe 24. Powergen Italia (accessible only via the Wayback Machine) 25. 26. Teachers Talking 27. La Drape 28. Children’s Wear 29. World’s best father ! Silva Method Life | The Home of the Silva Method by Jose Silva (of Silva Mind Control) Ballistic Publishing: d'artiste - Digital Painting 2. Time Tracker. Player radio l'indic. CASE STUDIES. 14 Unusual Websites To Kill Time With When Bored. How is the world on the other side you bored go-getters? I know that a time can come when you just don’t know what else to do? There comes a time in life when you just don’t want to go offline because you are addicted to the internet but you don’t know what to do because you seem to have surfed almost all of it.

If you are still reading this then I am assuming that you are someone who will give up on their youth if not shown a kill their precious time. Worry not. I will introduce you to some of the most amazing websites that provide a quick cure to boredom. Neave Paul Neave seems to have worked hard to come up with his share of amazing flash websites which is a collection of unique flash games to keep you engrossed. Papervision3D Tickle the fishes and they run away. Bio-Bak One of the most bizarre ideas that could have hit a web designer. Donnie Darko You must have seen plenty of movie websites but none would have been planned the way this one was. Google Gravity Ball Droppings. Why Do You Stay Up So Late? Bank of Imagination. How to Identify Songs Using Melody: 5 steps. 30GO30 - 30 days. 30 minutes. Go change your life.


Belles choses. Fight Club. Brainz — Learn something new today. 30 Day Drawing Challenge! Hey everyone! I don't know if you've seen this going around but a lot of people are doing it: It's the 30 Day Drawing Challenge, in which there is this list and each day you have a different topic and you try to reach 30 drawings in 30 days without skipping a day. From what I could find out researching on google it started with the initiative of Sylvia Tran and it turned viral on tumblr and other social networks. I found out through people reblogging this version of the challenge by Allison Lehman .

Here's the list of topics by day: Here's some of what I've done (click to go to the Tumblr tag filter): Benefits Of Having A Good Posture (And 13 Tips To Getting One) By Celes on Apr 11, 2009 | ShareThis Email This Post Do you have a good or bad posture? As you are reading this, how is your posture right now? Are you sitting upright? When I was a small kid, I was very conscientious of keeping my back straight the whole time, because my parents and teachers were constantly reminding everyone to do so.

However, things changed when I was 15, where I had my own computer and started spending copious amount of time in front of it. Initially I didn’t care too much about improving my posture, because I figure I could just switch back to a good posture whenever needed. Why Have A Good Posture? There are 5 key benefits from maintaining a good posture. Facilitates breathing: A good posture naturally enables you to breathe properly. So, What Is A Good Posture? Contrary to popular belief, a good posture does not mean keeping your spine totally straight. When you are in the right posture, it should feel almost effortless to maintain the position.

Image: Bad Postures. A Compass for Success: Your Personal Development Plan | Silva Method Life. Do you know where you’re going with your life? Do you have a picture of your life as you want it to unfold? If you don’t know where your life is headed, or you only have a vague idea, you will benefit from creating a Personal Development Plan or PDP.

A personal development plan helps you give structure to your dreams; to organize your thoughts and visions into an action plan that encompasses personal development as well as the achievement of important goals. Having this guidance will result in a life of purpose, meaning and fulfillment. Why is a Personal Development Plan Important? Personal development plan is your compass of success. Without it your energies will be too scattered and unfocused Winston Churchill said, “He who fails to plan is planning to fail.” The creating of a “life plan” is a work in progress, always evolving, always changing. And let’s face it. What are my goals, dreams and ambitions? *These objectives and goals point you right to your life’s purpose.

Define your goals.

Unusual stuff

Le chapitre 14, Section 1211 du Code Pénal Américain rend illégal pour les cito. - a clever bot - speak to an AI with some Actual Intelligence? Le mécanisme d'Anticythère. 1900, des pêcheurs d'éponges découvrent l'épave d'un navire romain, à 42 mètres de profondeur, près de la côte nord de l'île grecque d'Anticythère. Parmi les nombreuses amphores, statues en bronze et en marbre, ils ramenèrent des pièces de bronze corrodées, enchâssées dans les restes d'une boîte en bois qui ne sera pas conservée. L'ensemble mesure environ 21 centimètres sur 16 pour 5 d'épaisseur.

Une fois dégagées de leur gangue de calcaire et de corail, les inscriptions permettent de dater l'ensemble vers 80 av.J.C., ce qui est en accord avec l'âge des divers objets domestiques retrouvés, en dépit de la plus haute antiquité de certaines des statues. Les roues dentées et les graduations font penser tout d'abord à un astrolabe et il est référencé comme tel au musée d'Athènes. Jusqu'au jour où un physicien anglais à l'esprit ouvert et curieux ( eh oui ! Cela existe, j'en ai même rencontré ), le Dr Price, ne se contenta pas de cette explication sommaire. Voici un schéma du mécanisme : Notes : Right Brain v Left Brain. Ciders worthy of your tastebuds AUSSIES have fallen for cider’s charms in a big way, so we pop the cap and peel away the hype to find which ciders are worthy of your time, money and tastebuds. Passengers to cop big fare hit CATCHING a taxi from the city to the outer suburbs on Saturday night will cost $20 more under the first cab fare increase in six years.

Do you think the price rise is fair? Informer crisis link to top cop split EXCLUSIVE: THE demise of former top cop Simon Overland and his deputy, Sir Ken Jones, was the result of a dispute over Victoria Police’s handling of informers. I’m owed big salary: MasterChef star FORMER MasterChef Australia contestant Aaron Thomas, who has been accused of a $7 million fraud, is seeking a $150,000-a-month salary he says he is owed. Le cas de nécrophilie du Dr Tänzler. L'amour dans la mort, le cas de nécrophilie du Dr Tänzler Dr Tänzler Le Comte Carl Tänzler von Cosel, comme il aimait se faire appeler (Carl Tänzler), naquit le 8 février 1877 à Dresde, en Allemagne.

Personnage étrange, il prétendait avoir eu à plusieurs reprises des visions de son ancêtre, la Comtesse Anna Constantia von Cosel, qui lui prédit entre-autre, qu'une beauté exotique au cheveux noirs serait la femme de sa vie. A l’âge de 49 ans, il abandonne femme et enfants pour émigrer aux Etats-Unis et s’installe en Floride.

Ayant obtenu un poste de radiologue dans un hôpital de la marine à Key West, il fait la connaissance d’une patiente cubaine nommée Maria Elena Milagro de Hoyos, il eut dès lors la certitude que la prédiction de son ancêtre se réalisait. Maria Elena Milagro de Hoyos Malgré les efforts de Tänzler, Maria Elena succomba de sa maladie le 25 octobre 1931. Brinicle: une stalactite sous l’eau! Phénomène inconnu par la plupart, le Brinicle ou « le doigt de la mort« , n’en n’est pas moins dévastateur. C’est donc une équipe de la BBC Nature qui nous permet de découvrir cette chose grâce au Time-Lapse.

Ce phénomène étrange fonctionne de cette façon: Une partie de l’eau de mer contenue dans la glace se faufile à travers la glace. Cette eau (la plus dense et la plus froide) va « couler » au fond de la mer créant sur son passage une sorte de tube de glace (sa température est alors de moins de 0°C). Là où les choses deviennent le plus inquiétantes est le moment où ce tube rencontre le fond marin. Une fois au fond de la mer, il va se créer une sorte de rivière de glace qui va tout tuer sur son passage. Capturées pour la toute première fois par les caméramans Hugh Miller et Doug Anderson, ces images ont été exposées sur la chaîne BBC One dans leur émission: Frozen Planet.

Si vous n’arrivez pas a visualiser la vidéo, cliquez ICI. Axolot. Wild Wild Web. How to Kill Boredom. We all get bored and expect the Internet to somehow cure us. The truth is that you can spend hours on the Internet only worsening your boredom disease because you don’t know where to go. Luckily, I’m cutting out all that extra boredom for you with my list of the top Boredom Killing sites. Video We all know about Youtube, but blinkx searches all the videos on the web. How about just uninterrupted TV shows? Don’t know what you want to watch?

Learn how to do anything, with Videojug Music Want to listen to free music with a program that knows what you like? Feeling Positive/Dark, Energetic/calm? Reading Everybody loves comics, now you don’t even have to go out and buy them.Go to Explosm and for two very funny sites with comics that could be about anything. And here’s one only about and for gamers. maddox.xmission is one of the funniest sites with article about everything. Be Creative Some sites encourage you to produce your own content.

Other Very Fun Sites.


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