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BackboneJS. CSS. Efectos / Effects. FFMPEG. FontFace. Google. Herramientas / Tools. HTML. JavaScript - JS. Mailing. Node.JS. PHP. Web Player. Browser Information. By Kyle Simpson You may be starting to notice a trend from my recent articles here on HTML5 Hub. I’m a JS snob by trade, but by association I have to deal with my fair share of CSS issues. So, as an “outsider” looking in, I’m taking this opportunity to highlight some of the big “pain points” that CSS causes for various basic tasks in web dev.

It’s not really intended as a criticism of the technology per se, but more a rallying cry to ask for standard solutions which remove our hacks. More Text, Less Text If you’re a prolific (and overly verbose) writer like I am, you’re probably very familiar with writing too much to fit in the space you’re given to present it. Sometimes you want to manually truncate your own text, but more often, you’d probably just like the presentation platform to automatically take care of this for you. Many people call this “elision” (verb: “elide”), when you shorten your text, and put those little dots after it. Dot-dot-dot First, there’s the manual way. … Facebook Open Graph META Tags.

It's no secret that Facebook has become a major traffic driver for all types of websites. Nowadays even large corporations steer consumers toward their Facebook pages instead of the corporate websites directly. And of course there are Facebook "Like" and "Recommend" widgets on every website. One problem I've always found with sharing URLs on Facebook is that you often have no control over the image and description text that accompany the URL. Had I known about Facebook Open Graph API, I would've known the solution to that problem. Facebook's Open Graph protocol allows for web developers to turn their websites into Facebook "graph" objects, allowing a certain level of customization over how information is carried over from a non-Facebook website to Facebook when a page is "recommended", "liked", or just generally shared.

The information is set via custom META tags on the source page. Facebook Open Graph Meta Tags image title The title to accompany the URL: url site_name. Geo IP Tool - Ver información de mi IP: PlayCanvas. The web's scaffolding tool for modern webapps | Yeoman. IBM Watson Developer Cloud. Marcin Kossowski | Weekly links, articles and more. 10 tipos de enlaces que me roban y se llevan el PageRank. Markdown Cheatsheet · adam-p/markdown-here Wiki. 74 sitios web útiles para desarrolladores y diseñadores web | Ondawebnet - Todo en un solo lugar. He recaudado 74 sitios web útiles para desarrolladores y diseñadores web espero que lo saquen provecho. lo duden en compartir.

Aqui les dejo las webs con sus respectiva descripción. CopyPasteCharacter CopyPasteCharacter te ayudará a encontrar la entidad html apropiada para ese símbolo que quieres incluir en tu diseño como mejor lo prefieras a tu gusto. Lipsum Generator Sitio donde puedes generar el famoso texto “Lorem Ipsum” para generar textos de prueba. WhatTheFont! WhatTheFont! HTML Encoder Sitio que te permite codificar el HTML para poder mostrar código en tus artículos y diseños que vengas desarrollando. Typetester Este sitio te permite probar dos o tres fuentes diferentes, con diferentes especificaciones y sin nungún problema Nice Entity Con Nice Entity puedes encontrar varios símbolos y formas con su respectiva entidad HTML para que los puedas incluir en tus diseños que vengas desarrollando sin ningún problema. Google Web Fonts Quijotipsum Font comparer ScriptSrc Google Libraries API Cdn JS pForm.

Handling Failed HTTP Responses With fetch() Quiz: What does this call to the web’s new fetch() API do? Fetch(" .then(function() { console.log("ok"); }).catch(function() { console.log("error"); }); If you’re like me, you might assume this code logs “error” when run—but it actually logs “ok”. This expectation probably comes from years of jQuery development, as jQuery’s ajax() method invokes its fail handler when the response contains a failed HTTP status code. For example, the code below logs “error” when run: $.ajax(" .done(function() { console.log("ok"); }).fail(function() { console.log("error"); }); Why does fetch() work this way? Per MDN, the fetch() API only rejects a promise when a “network error is encountered, although this usually means permissions issues or similar.”

The good is news is fetch provides a simple ok flag that indicates whether an HTTP response’s status code is in the successful range or not. Fetch(" .then(function(response) { if (!