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Finland’s Education System: 10 Surprising Facts That Americans Shouldn’t Ignore. Finland?

Finland’s Education System: 10 Surprising Facts That Americans Shouldn’t Ignore

Yes, Finland. Finland has consistently scored among the highest nations in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), a standardized test given every three years by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development that measures student achievement across the globe. Another remarkable fact about Finland’s education system is that students are only required to take one test during their entire time as students. Finland’s academic success has drawn a great amount of attention, leaving many countries wondering if it’s the Nordic country’s teaching methods or if there’s magic water in their fjord. Blog. The Secret to Finland's Success With Schools, Moms, Kids—and Everything - Olga Khazan.

The country has cheaper medical care, smarter children, happier moms, better working conditions, less-anxious unemployed people, and lower student loan rates than we do.

The Secret to Finland's Success With Schools, Moms, Kids—and Everything - Olga Khazan

And that probably will never change. A child in Finland being happy, as usual. (Kacper Pempel/Reuters) It's hard not to get jealous when I talk to my extended family. My cousin's husband gets 36 vacation days per year, not including holidays. Blog Archive » IMAGE ET REALITE SUR LE MODELE SOCIAL FINLANDAIS. Rapport Pisa : le modèle finlandais à la loupe - Le journal de 20h. Présentation de la Finlande.