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A Bunch of Tutorials. Abdomination: How to draw beef by ~Coelasquid. How to draw all sorts of crap by ~Coelasquid on deviantART. Feet Drawing. Feet Drawing requires you to be aware of issues such as proportions and main lines.

Feet Drawing

You must also make allowance for the gender and age of your subjects. Feet play an importan part in the expression of a figure. Construction Drawing. People ( mostly women) Rat Creature's Journal - how to draw female comic characters (according to Wizard)... Brown_betty asked for examples "to illustrate the exactly how and why female comic characters are illustrated differently than the male.

Rat Creature's Journal - how to draw female comic characters (according to Wizard)...

" And I thought, really, what's better to illustrate these things than the books teaching the style in the first place? A while ago I posted some scans from Wizard How To Draw series on drawing female superheroes (here and here), and I thought I'd post a bunch more from the first book of the series on "How To Draw: Heroic Anatomy". As everything, it starts with the basics, i.e. proportions.

First the male superhero The female example is similar, but slightly different, notice how he stands firm and straight, wheras she stands with her hips cocked a little and the leg thrust forward? Analytical Figure Drawing SP08. The Figure Drawing LAB - StumbleUpon. CedarSeed. Simplify Human Anatomy guide by =sakimichan on deviantART.