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Tibetan Mandala. Carl Jung and the Mandala. How to Draw a Mandala: Learn How to Draw Mandalas for Spiritual Enrichment and Creative Enjoyment. Mandala. Thangka painting of Manjuvajra Mandala The term is of Sanskrit origin.


It appears in the Rig Veda as the name of the sections of the work, but is also used in other religions and philosophies, particularly Buddhism. In various spiritual traditions, mandalas may be employed for focusing attention of practitioners and adepts, as a spiritual guidance tool, for establishing a sacred space, and as an aid to meditation and trance induction. Carl Jung’s Psychological Diagnosis Using Mandalas. Mandalas have been used in many ancient cultures like Buddhism, Hinduism, Native American, Australian Aboriginal as a symbol of the universe and wholeness.

Carl Jung’s Psychological Diagnosis Using Mandalas

Literally speaking, mandala is a geometrical form – a square or a circle – abstract and static, or a vivid image formed of objects and/or beings. It’s a cosmic diagram that reminds us of our connection with the infinite. Interestingly, Carl Jung, the Swiss psychiatrist, explored the psychological effects of mandalas, while studying Eastern religion. He is credited with introducing the Eastern concept of the mandala to Western thought and believed its symbolic of the inner process by which individuals grow toward fulfilling their potential for wholeness.

Carl Jung refers to the mandala as “the psychological expression of the totality of the self.”