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I Ching: Richard Wilhelm Translation. The I-Ching and Human DNA | Dreamcatchers Community. Ever wondered where people like Roger Hamilton got Wealth Dynamics, Myers & Briggs got their profiling or Steve Brown got Red, Green, Blue, Yellow. It all came from the work of Carl Jung (Freud’s offsider) who worked with Richard Wilhelm in the 1920′s on the I-Ching. Jung was introduced to it, after he lost faith in Freud’s theories, by Wilhelm who had lived in China for many years and had studied the book with the secret societies that existed there.

Some background for I-Ching newbies. The book was commissioned by Emperor Fu Hsi in around 3,000BC. It is not known who or how many people authored it, Confucius edited it in his lifetime some 2500years later. The 8 Trigrams of the I-Ching It’s more than a book or Oracles, it’s a book of life and Roger Hamilton, who I respect and worked with between 2004 & 2009 did an incredible job to pull ‘You Pathyway of least resistance to your wealth’ from the book. The basis of DNA is + and -. Is this co-incidence? So…what does it all mean? Like this: I CHING DAILY ORACLE CALENDAR. The I Ching Basics: What Is It and How Do I Use It? I Ching is an ancient, sophisticated fortune-telling tool used by the Chinese to predict the pattern of events which will govern and shape our destiny. Terence McKenna studied the I Ching and developed his interpretations in the form of Timewave or Novelty theory. But what exactly is the I Ching and how does one use it?

This has been succinctly explained in this guest post by Erik Oakenshield, who specializes in Art Nouveau Tarot reading, or Western Zodiac horoscope and Druid practice. The I Ching Basics: What Is It and How Do I Use It? The I Ching is one of the world’s oldest divination texts, with some claims putting it over 3,000 years old The I Ching, or Book of Changes, is an oracle even, that has helped millions by providing advice and guidance to life’s questions, both complex and basic. The beauty in consulting the I Ching is that it does not provide answers for you — but rather it helps you find the answers that already exist within you. Mode of Consultation 1. 2. 3. Changing Ching. I Ching - The Book Of Changes. Physiognomic system of I Ching.