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The NoSQL “Family Tree” A few weeks back, one of our marketing teammates caught me explaining the NoSQL product landscape to some new employees, and they thought it would make a pretty infographic.

The NoSQL “Family Tree”

I use this diagram a lot to help customers and business partners understand some important NoSQL basics: Create a free Cloudant account and start the NoSQL goodness NoSQL arose from "Big Data" (before it was called "Big Data") During the late 1990s and 2000s Google, Amazon, and Facebook were growing through the roof. There were no commercial or open source databases capable of supporting their growth, either in scale (data volume and number of connections) or in the variety of data structures they processed (web logs, product catalogs, full-text, etc.). As you can see in the diagram, people used these ideas in different ways to create many of today’s popular NoSQL databases. NoSQL is not "One Size Fits All" The color coding in the diagram highlights the fact that NoSQL products evolved to meet specialized workloads. Apache Hadoop Distribution. 18 essential Hadoop tools for crunching big data. Chicagoruby/Windy-City-DB-Dataset.

Redis & Memcached. Redis. Hypertable - Big Data. Big Performance. Server: Distributed, Non-Relational Database. MVC, MOVE - Or Simply A State Machine. One problem with a state machine approach compared to MVC is that it isn't as familiar. Do you use a Moore or a Mealy machine? A combination of the two? Most people don't use state machines to model the flow of an entire web application, so if you try it out, you might feel like you're on your own. It can be worth it, though. I used state machines for a client-side UI in ClojureScript a few months ago. Another benefit was that the state machine library I used allowed me to audit the trail of states as they happened. There's one very important thing that nobody has mentioned yet: state machines look ugly in your code.

Statecharts are a way to model state machines without explicitly writing out a ton of redundant states. I believe statecharts are to MVC as Clojure is to every mutable state language out there. . [1] See "Out of the Tarpit" for why state and complexity are closely related: (The original link is down, so I made a mirror.) [2] The original article on statecharts: Couchbase Server Manual 2.0 - Chapter 9. Views and Indexes.

Couchbase Server is a NoSQL document database for interactive web applications.

Couchbase Server Manual 2.0 - Chapter 9. Views and Indexes

It has a flexible data model, is easily scalable, provides consistent high performance and is ‘always-on,’ meaning it is can serve application data 24 hours, 7 days a week. Couchbase Server provides the following benefits: Flexible Data Model With Couchbase Server, you use JSON documents to represent application objects and the relationships between objects. This document model is flexible enough so that you can change application objects without having to migrate the database schema, or plan for significant application downtime. Even the same type of object in your application can have a different data structures. All of these features of Couchbase Server enable development of web applications where low–latency and high throughput are required by end users. Couchbase Server and NoSQL¶ NoSQL databases are characterized by their ability to store data without first requiring one to define a database schema. Couchbase Developer's Guide 2.0 - Chapter 2. Modeling Documents.

Couchbase Server is a NoSQL document database for interactive web applications.

Couchbase Developer's Guide 2.0 - Chapter 2. Modeling Documents

It has a flexible data model, is easily scalable, provides consistent high performance and is “always-on,” meaning it is can serve application data 24 hours, 7 days a week. Couchbase Server provides the following benefits: Flexible Data Model With Couchbase Server, you use JSON documents to represent application objects and the relationships between objects. This document model is flexible enough so that you can change application objects without having to migrate the database schema, or plan for significant application downtime.

Even the same type of object in your application can have a different data structures. All of these features of Couchbase Server enable development of web applications where low–latency and high throughput are required by end users. Couchbase Server Manual 2.0 - Chapter 9. Views and Indexes - 9.5. Writing Views.