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Vurve Launches!

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Vurve: RT @jcal7: Vurve Launches... Adstand: Vurve L... Internet Startups: TODAY'S NEW STARTUP: Vurve... Nola Jensen: Vurve... Advertising on Aut... True Ventures: Congrats to the team at @V... Vurve Launches “Advertising on Autopilot” You know how the Internet is supposed to make things measurable and accountable, and, thus, democratized?

Vurve Launches “Advertising on Autopilot”

There’s still a lot to be done. Vurve today is coming out of stealth to try to make that premise more true when it comes to small-business advertising on Google, Facebook, shopping engines and the like. (The idea is to figure out what’s actually working, and do more of it.) Vurve (formerly called Palaran) is almost all automated (customers have to put in about 15 minutes per week, the company says), and to start it is focused on e-commerce businesses. The company figures out what combination of search, display, remarketing, social and shopping engine advertising will be most effective on a dynamic basis.

A partnership with Shopify gives Vurve access to more than 10,000 stores, and it is also available through an integration with Yahoo. Vurve raised $1.2 million from True Ventures and is based in Sunnyvale, Calif. Vurve offers advertising on autopilot. For small businesses, advertising can be a nightmare.

Vurve offers advertising on autopilot

How much to spend? Where to go? Online or print? (Is that old-fashioned of us to ask?) That's where Vurve comes in. Here's how it works: You sign up for the service and tell Vurve how much you'd like to spend per month, from $200 to $10,000 (the upper limit the company will allow from customers per month).

The company's technology analyzes which ads work and where they are placed, figuring out what recipe of search, display, social and shopping engine advertising will be most effective. Founded by Amit Kumar, Yahoo's former director of product, Vurve raised $1.2 million in venture capital funding last year. "Roughly 75% of small businesses would rather do taxes than advertising," Kumar said. Vurve Advances Trend Toward Online Marketing Automation For SMBs. This past Monday Vurve launched.

Vurve Advances Trend Toward Online Marketing Automation For SMBs

The CEO is Amit Kumar, who built SearchMonkey at Yahoo and then was at Dapper, which was recently acquired by Yahoo. The company’s tagline is “advertising on autopilot for your online store.” Vurve is targeting small businesses (SMBs) with e-commerce stores that spend up to $10,000 per month. The minimum monthly spend is $200. Traditional “offline” SMBs (service businesses) aren’t part of the program right now.

The company says it can entirely automate online advertising across a range of media types including search. SearchDisplayRemarketingSocial media (Facebook)Shopping comparison engines Vurve is integrated with the Yahoo Shopping Cart and Shopify and has “preferred” API access with Facebook and Google. - An Ad Platform For Small Business Owners. In a nutshell, what Vurve does is to automate online advertising for small businesses. - An Ad Platform For Small Business Owners

Owners of such ventures are simply asked two set up questions and are charged $ 200 per month in order to begin having Vurve ads displayed on their sites. They have to perform some weekly maintenance, too, but that will never amount to more than half an hour per week. Vurve ads can be placed just anywhere. The platform can have ads displayed not only on sites and blogs but also on Facebook fan pages. And as it is only fit, Vurve comes with full-on analytics for measuring the behavior of visitors.

Ultimately, small business owners are often left embittered with the advertising game for the simple reason that ad platforms are unable to cater to their actual needs and public with precision. In Their Own Words Advertising on autopilot. Why It Might Be A Killer It gives small business owners a chance to earn some real money, and spend the amount they can actually afford on promotion. Vurve Destealthing: Advertising On Autopilot For Small Businesses. If you’re a big company and you need a little software help managing online advertising campaigns, you go to Omniture or a competitor.

Vurve Destealthing: Advertising On Autopilot For Small Businesses

But if you’re running a small store and are only spending a few hundred or a few thousand dollars a month across Google, Facebook and other self serve platforms, there are far fewer options available to you. That’s where Vurve comes in, and they are coming out of a small private beta period today. The company, which raised a $1.2 million venture round last year, is run by Amit Kumar.

Kumar was previously Director of Product at Yahoo, and VP Product at ad startup Dapper prior to being acquired by Yahoo. He knows advertising. The company addresses the complications of online marketing – 75% of small businesses would rather do taxes than deal with online advertising, says Microsoft. Vurve Destealthing: Advertising On Autopilot For Small Businesses.

Home > techcrunch > Vurve Destealthing: Advertising On Autopilot For Small Businesses November 9th, 2010 11:55admin <div class="greet_block wpgb_cornered"><div class="greet_text"><div class="greet_image"><a href=" rel="nofollow"><img src=" alt="WP Greet Box icon"/></a></div>Hello there!

Vurve Destealthing: Advertising On Autopilot For Small Businesses

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