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Social Media How To's

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10 Social Media Best Practices for PR Pros - (Build 20100722150226) Mozilla Firefox - (Build 20100722150226) How To Write A Great Press Release - (Build 20100722150226) 5 Reasons Why Your Interns Are Better At Social Media Than You Are - (Build 20100722150226) How I Tweet: Just the FAQs - (Build 200. Update: Holy Kaw By far, the biggest change to my tweeting is the creation of a section of Alltop called Holy Kaw. I started it because of the popularity of my Posterous blog where I uploaded pictures and summaries of interesting stories—basically stuff that was too long for a tweet and too short for a blog post. I noticed that these posts were getting thousands of page views, and there’s nothing that I hate more than an unmonetized page view, so we added it to By the way, it’s pronounced “holy cow” as in “holy Kaw-asaki.” This is how Holy Kaw works: a team of ghosts and contributors and I scour the Internet to find interesting, educational, and funny stories.

The editorial test is that the story elicits a “Holy kaw!” We never write up so much of it that there’s no reason to go to the source. General Question: How can you follow so many people? Ghostwriters Question: Do you use ghostwriters? Question: Do your ghosts respond to @s and Directs for you? Alltop Promotion.