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10,000s Cool FREE Seamless Patterns for Blogger and Twitter Backgrounds, Blog and Website Wallpapers. 40 Free Tutorials on Advanced Drawing Techniques. 7 career mistakes you should stop making now. A Huge Compilation of 60 Free Illustrator Brushes. Adobe Illustrator has many powerful tools and unique features. And one among them is Illustrator's Paintbrush Tool (B). The brushes can be applied to paths and strokes, they are great for creating stunning stroked designs in seconds. And, the best part about Illustrator's brushes is that they are vectors and can be completely modified to suit your needs by changing their colors, stroke width, weight, and more.

Let's take a look at a large selection of Illustrator brushes available on the web! Introduction In this article, you will find a huge compilation of excellent and stunning sets of free Illustrator Brushes on the web, such as: floral flourishes, swirls, foliage brushes, sketch brushes, watercolor brushes, chains, ropes, beautiful border brushes, Christmas themes, snowflakes, beads, gem brushes, and more. You can find more about how to use brushes in Illustrator in our post titled, "A Comprehensive Guide: Illustrator's Paintbrush Tool and Brush Panel. " 1. 2. 3.Teardrop Foliage 5. 6. Free High Resolution Textures - Lost and Taken. Kuler. How to get an illustration agent - Feature.

Whether you’re an illustration veteran or just starting out, signing up with an agency can mean that vital step for ramping your career up a notch. Not only do you have someone fighting your corner for higher fees, but the likelihood is that it will have better access to those killer clients, plus a much bigger PR budget than you alone could muster. Also it frees up your time to stick to what you do best – illustration. But how do you get the most out of your relationship with an illustration agency? Alicja McCarthy of Central Illustration Agency (, suggests that one of the most important things is to research each agency before you approach them.

Ensure your work is the right fit, the agency is providing the correct type of projects and it’s willing to make a long-term commitment to support your work. “I cannot stress this enough: do your homework,” urges Alicja. Eoin Ryan’s The Restored Finnegans Wake cover for Penguin Modern Classics. EAMejia. T Shirt Printing | Screen Printing and Embroidery Services - Home. Color Scheme Designer 3.