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The alchemist’s delusion. Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal. Stephen Hawking Says A.I. Could Be Our 'Worst Mistake In History' You have to understand Stephen Hawking's mind is literally trapped in a body that has betrayed him. Sadly, the only thing he can do is think. The things he's been able to imagine and calculate using the power of his mind alone is mindboggling. However, and this is a very important thing - he is still human. He is as much influenced by human bias as the next person. We can easily fear those things which we do not understand, and fear makes us take stances or actions that often fall outside the bounds of rationality.

Anything outside his experience is potentially a source for fear. And as a scientist, his default response is to think and research the problem. He treats AI as he would a more advanced Human civilization. Computers are exceptionally good at calculation. Now the one things that computers can do very well - far better than humans - is make decisions based on logic. Computers are cooperative engines, believe it or not. SAI won't have fear - not like that.

10 Crazy Jobs That Will Exist in the Future. 10 Futurist Phrases And Terms That Are Complete Bullshit. Fin de siècle. The themes of fin de siècle political culture were very controversial and have been cited as a major influence on fascism.[5][6] The major political theme of the era was that of revolt against materialism, rationalism, positivism, bourgeois society and liberal democracy.[5] The fin-de-siècle generation supported emotionalism, irrationalism, subjectivism and vitalism,[6] while the mindset of the age saw civilization as being in a crisis that required a massive and total solution.[5] Fin de siècle culture has been perceived to have influenced 20th century culture, such as Bohemian counterculture having similarities to punk counterculture in that both celebrate a romantic and willful sense of decay and rejection of social order.[7] Degeneration Theory[edit] As fin de siècle citizens, attitudes tended toward science in an attempt to decipher the world in which they lived.

Pessimism[edit] Algernon: I hope tomorrow will be a fine day, Lane. Lane: It never is, sir. Artistic Conventions[edit] Fuckyeahfutureshock! Jinha Lee: Reach into the computer and grab a pixel. DARPA's New Biotech Division Wants To Create A Transhuman Future. They do realize that Blade Runner is NOT a future to aspire to, right? I don't believe in a sentient sapient life form - whether synthetic or organic or even a hybrid - EVER being property or purpose built for a position.

If its built by humans or made from our genome they are our children if they can attain the level of awareness and sapience the least of us have. They should have all the rights and privileges we do, otherwise they are slaves. This is wrong, it must NEVER happen, otherwise we'll be falling down the road of every single science fiction that has shown what happens when you enslave a species and think you have complete control over it.

It does NOT turn out well for either side. And if you doubt that they intend to enslave anything they create, why else would you add a kill switch? It's sort of like Leo Szilard's letter to Roosevelt. I mean, I agree. That's precisely why policy shouldn't be lead by fear driven by ignorance or assumption. Ich träume von Caprica und fürchte mich - Berufsspieler. Manche sind ihrer Zeit voraus, andere laufen ihr nach und die Mehrheit aller Menschen findet sich wahrscheinlich in der Gegenwart wieder. Ich gehöre zu jener Art Geister, die nicht aufhören können, sich nach dem Unbekannten zu sehnen. Welche psychologische Irritation meines Gehirns die Medizin auch immer feststellen würde, ich kann jedenfalls nicht ändern, dass mein Leben zum Großteil im nicht greifbaren Bereich meiner Vorstellung versickert.

In einer Welt, die sich immer schneller zu drehen scheint, wäre es praktischer ein Pragmatiker oder eine andere gesellschaftstauglichere Tautologie zu sein. Aber mit jedem Jahr mit dem ich länger zwischen dem Realen und dem Möglichen hin und her drifte, bekommt mich zu meiner introvertierten Erleichterung immer stärker das Gefühl, mit dieser Traumsucht nicht allein zu sein. Die Tore zum Unbekannten Für die Menschheit war es tatsächlich wohl nie etwas Sonderbares, nicht ganz im Hier und Jetzt zu sein. Die Triebfeder des Schaffens Holodeck und Holoband. About technology and the human species or, are we afraid of the Future? Hawking versus Haraway? Abstract: Stephan Hawking and Donna Haraway are two scientists who have outspoken ideas about what the merge of technology and humans actually means to us. Hawking, who has recently joined a Cambridge University think tank that deals with issues of possible take-overs of the human species by apparatus (computers) with sufficient artificial intelligence, is concerned about the evolution of our species.

For him, the Darwinian phase of evolution has ended as the human species is nearly done from a natural selection perspective. New evolution comes from incorporating technology and, more important to him, genetic manipulation (brain manipulation) with the purpose of being more intelligent and smarter than our computers that become more and more intelligent, resulting in self-learning and for humans unmanageable apparatus.
