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Creative Technology

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Le design de la visibilité : un essai de typologie du web 2.0. La manière dont est rendue visible l’identité des personnes sur les sites du web 2.0 constitue l’une des variables les plus pertinentes pour apprécier la diversité des plateformes et des activités relationnelles qui y ont cours.

Le design de la visibilité : un essai de typologie du web 2.0

Que montre-t-on de soi aux autres ? Comment sont rendus visibles les liens que l’on a tissés sur les plateformes d’interaction ? Comment ces sites permettent-ils aux visiteurs de retrouver les personnes qu’ils connaissent et d’en découvrir d’autres ? Typologie des scénarios en monde immersif « 11 juil Reprise d’un billet de blog et son application vidéo L’analyse de Christophe est intéressante au sens où elle pose la question de la structure des mondes virtuels en fonction des besoins pédagogiques exprimés.

Typologie des scénarios en monde immersif «

On peut essayer, à partir de là, d’esquisser une typologie d’usages. Le monde virtuel comme instrument de formation en ligne, un lieu immersif de reproduction du lieu de formation. Mes cours sont de ce type. "Visionaries like Dr. On dépasse le cadre classique du cours frontal immersif distant, ou l’immersion dans un concept immersif déjà construit pour entrer dans le domaine de la co-construction entre enseignants et apprenants. Je pense, mais cela reste à démontrer, que les modes de tutorat sont à adapter aux modes de représentations virtuelles.

Cette première analyse n’est en rien exhaustive, je compte affiner le propos dans les mois à venir. Diffuser le billet sur le web 2.0 ou l'imprimer. The new technology: The consumer as participant rather than target audience (R Craig Lefebvre) We confront the blurring of boundaries between creators and audiences – and whodecides which is which.

The new technology: The consumer as participant rather than target audience (R Craig Lefebvre)

All Media is Social: The Cluetrain Manifesto The appearance of the Cluetrain Manifesto in 1998 marked the emergence and defi-nition of the web as an audience-centric force. Although the earliest years of thedevelopment of the Internet envisioned a digital world of democracy, in practicethe web had, by most accounts and appearances, become a space where technologicalprowess, top-down planning, closed systems, and money (both for development of sites and access) had become predominating themes. Scott Prindle on the Role of the Creative Technologist - Making Digital Work. Creative Technologist. A-bigger-idea-a-manifesto-on-i.

Quick — name four fantastic, emotionally resonant, culturally significant and successful interactive advertising campaigns from the past year.


Came up empty? That’s what I thought. Palo Alto, we’ve got a problem. Actually, Palo Alto may be the problem. Fifteen years old, a vital component of the marketing landscape by any calculation, interactive advertising is still characterized in the public eye and practitioners’ minds by its technical sleight-of-hand instead of its narrative and emotive power. It’s time to engage marketers, agencies, and publishers in a public debate about creativity in interactive advertising. The Banner Shibboleth The issue of brand advertising and its future in interactive media is particularly prominent now, as the U.S. struggles through its worsening economic crisis.

The latest shibboleth is the online banner ad, whose formats IAB members first began standardizing more than a decade ago and subsequently realized in the “Universal Ad Package” in 2003. Mr. What the Heck is a Creative Technologist? « Mark Avnet – Brandsphere. What the Heck is a Creative Technologist?

What the Heck is a Creative Technologist? « Mark Avnet – Brandsphere

Mark Avnet, Creative Technologist, VCU, @mavnet Back in the 90s, the first time “convergence” was brought up as an important idea, I was asked as a “new media expert” to write an article on its importance – and found just about as many definitions for the term as places I looked. When I was part of a panel of psychologists defining “media psychology,” again, we found that just about everyone using the term defined it differently. Wunderman: Impactful Conversations: The Creative Technologist - A new role in an agency near you. I was recently featured in Campaign in an article on Creative Technologists . [“ Where creativity meets technology ” by Alasdair Reid - Edition of 2 nd July 2010 on page 26] . It got me thinking … Who are they? What characterizes them? And how do they fit in the ad agency environment? Creative Technologists are a new type of breed. The Creative Geek (or “Creek” for short) has a very unique and mixed profile.

[image taken from ] Daniel H. In an agency you will find Creeks in various team whether in Creative, Technical, Planning and Account team. The reality is that there’s no strong rule on where the Creeks should sit. What is a creative technologist? Wieden+Kennedy » Why We’re Not Hiring Creative Technologists. In the digital, interactive and social media-focused agency world, it’s easy to talk a big game, but for disciplines that require true, deep knowledge of the subject for success, there’s a fine line between “understanding” and “expertise”.

Wieden+Kennedy » Why We’re Not Hiring Creative Technologists

Our Creative Technology Director Igor Clark explains why ideas aren’t enough, below the jump.