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On Being Blog. Bible Bable - Kristin Swenson. In the spirit of the season, my recipe for The Very Best Hot Chocolate Ever (or TVBHCE for short.

Bible Bable - Kristin Swenson

Hah.): I like to start with the biggest mug I can get my hands on, not because it’s required to make a successful cup, but because I’m greedy. We have a few such mugs — a heavy purple and clay one with four crude (perhaps I should call them primitive) designs in the glaze, only two of which are recognizable — a deer and a tree. John Fea. Religion Dispatches. Mark Chancey essay. Huff Po Religion. Timothy Beal. Stephen Prothero. Editor's note: Stephen Prothero, a Boston University religion scholar and author of "The American Bible: How Our Words Unite, Divide, and Define a Nation," is a regular CNN Belief Blog contributor.

Stephen Prothero

By Stephen Prothero, Special to CNN The United States just finished a diversity election that saw a president elected not by old, white men but by Latinos, African-Americans and Asian-Americans. Now that Pope Benedict XVI has announced his retirement, the Roman Catholic Church is preparing for an election of its own. Though in this case, the election will be decided not by rank-and-file Catholics but by the College of Cardinals.