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Iconos | ▽ MODADDICTION ▽ La pintora mexicana Frida Kahlo (1907 – 1954) es inspiración en el S.XXI para poetas, escritores, ilustradores, fotógrafos, editoriales de moda, un símbolo hipster por excelencia… Representa fuerza, coraje y actitud. Su propia vida y forma de afrontar el mundo machista de la época, con la declaración de su bisexualidad, y sus rasgos característicos de cejas y bigote, hacen de Frida Kahlo todo un icono.

Vogue, Marie Claire, Jaoluse, Live Fast Mag, Singles Korea… son algunas de las revistas que no han pasado por alto el fenómeno Frida Kahlo. Frida Kahlo + Pure art and fashion inspiration The Mexican painter Frida Kahlo (1907 – 1954) is still an inspiration for 21st century poets, writers, illustrators, photographers, fashion editorials, a hipster quintessential symbol… She as an icon represents strength, courage and attitude. Vogue, Marie Claire, Jaoluse, Live Fast Mag, Singles Korea… are some of the journals that have not overlooked the Frida Kahlo phenomenon. Imágenes: MonkeyZen Me gusta: 100architects - Project - Huellas Artes.

A splash of colour for Santiago centre Huellas Artes interprets the human footprint as an artistic trail in Santiago city. It is a cultural engine fueled by the passing flow of citizens and visitors from around the Bellas Artes metro station, a highly cultural area of downtown Santiago. It is an architectural intervention that proposes a new use scene in a fully unclosed outdoor space. The project was developed over a metro station, which currently operates as a non-functional plaza. The idea is to revitalize this site as a catalyst of activities related to the constant flow of people that the station attracts. It establishes a series of functions and encourages social relationships, evidencing the possibilities of spatial transformation by colors, words, photographs and lines. The material used is cloth tape coated with polyethylene in various colors and sizes. The design had no additional elements. The Dieline.

Talk about an awesome chess-board. Be Takerng Pattanopas, Preeda Intha and Treborikki | highlike. Mtoms3ivy71qbyxr0o1_400.gif (400×225) Sign Language. Le photographe américain Marc Shur a toujours été attiré par les vieux panneaux et différentes enseignes qu’il a pu rencontrer. Avec de superbes clichés, ce dernier immortalise des créations typographiques ayant pour certaines plusieurs décennies. Une sélection d’images issue d’une série « Sign Language » toujours en cours.