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Poner Eclipse en castellano. Poner Eclipse en castellano Otra pregunta que me han hecho sobre Eclipse y esta si la se responder. Por cierto que ya esta disponible la version Eclipse Galileo para Testing. Lo que cuento aqui sin embargo esta probado para la version de Ganimedes. Empezamos. Cuando instalas Eclipse este se instala en idioma ingles. Si lo quieres en otro idioma (incluso en Klingon), tienes que instalar los packs de lenguaje correspondientes. Para instalarlos te vas a la pagina del proyecto Babel. Para Eclipse Galileo: Para Eclipse Ganimedes: Para Eclipse Europa: Nota: ojo que algunas traducciones no esta al 100% completas, asi que algunos textos no aparecen aun traducidos. Bien, podemos instalar estos paquetes de traduccion desde: Help > Software Updates… Seleccionamos entonces la pestaña: Available Software Add site… PDT/Installation. Installing PDT is relatively easy.

Install a JVM Regardless of your operating system, you will need to install a Java virtual machine. If using Windows, you may already have one installed, but upgrading won't hurt. If using Linux, read this -- GCJ will NOT work. Consider an IBM JDK or a Sun JDK. See below for minimum requirements. Note that if you are on a 64-bit platform and are using a 64-bit JRE, you need to use a 64-bit Eclipse build. Eclipse 4.2 / Juno / PDT 3.1.1 PDT/Installation 3.1.1 Eclipse 3.7 / Indigo / PDT 3.0 From Update Site Prerequisites Installed and running Eclipse Classic 3.7 The minimum package is Eclipse Platform Runtime Binary. Installation Flow Open Help -> Install New Software. Proceed with the installation by pressing 'Next', then press 'Next' again in the next screen. Additional Installation If you need Mylyn features, If you need RSE(Remote System Explorer) features, If you need Eclipse Marketplace feature, If You Are Eclipse 3.6 / Helios / PDT 2.2 Finish the installation.

Eclipse y estándares de código. Si sueles trabajar en equipo a la hora de programar, e incluso si no es el caso, puede ser interesante establecer unos estándares a seguir a la hora de escribir el código. Para asegurarnos de que estas reglas se siguen se puede utilizar, por ejemplo, Checkstyle, que se integra en Eclipse a través del plugin del mismo nombre. La forma más sencilla de instalar este plugin es utilizar el sistema de actualizaciones de software de Eclipse.

En el diálogo Help -> Software updates -> Available Software -> Add Site introducimos la URL desde la que instalar el plugin, “ marcamos nuestra nueva fuente y seleccionamos Install. Si entramos ahora en Window -> Preferences ->Checkstyle veremos las opciones de configuración relativas a Checkstyle. Para activar Checkstyle para uno de nuestros proyectos haremos clic con el botón derecho sobre él, seleccionaremos Properties y en la sección dedicada a Checkstyle marcaremos Checkstyle active for this project. 5 plugins de Firefox para desarrollo web. 22 Handy HTML5 & CSS3 Tools, Resources And Guides | Graphic and. HTML5 and CSS3 are bringing new features to us and in this article you’ll be able to find some great tools, cheat sheets and much more you could need to master these new features. Maybe those new features aren’t yet supported fully, but it’s a very good thinking to learn new technologies now so you would be able to use them fully when they are supported.

Be modern designer! 1. CSS3 Selectors Test After starting the testsuite it will automatically run a large number of small tests which will determine if your browser is compatible with a large number of CSS selectors. 2. CSS3 Please! 3. Allows you to create and costumize multiple CSS3 effects. 4. You can rotate, scale, skew, and otherwise transform HTML elements with CSS 3. 5. The CSS3 Gradient Generator was created as showcase of the power of CSS based gradients as well as a tool for developers and designers to generate a gradient in CSS. 6. Allows you to create rounded edge rectangles. 7. 8. 9. Many new CSS3 feature previews and demos. 10. - Libros gratuitos sobre HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJA. Eclipse 3.4 (Ganymede) on Ubuntu. These instructions refer to outdated version of Eclipse and Ubuntu. Please refer to the new instructions on installing Eclipse Galileo (3.5) on Ubuntu Jaunty (9.04) Eclipse Ganymede (the successor to Europa) was released today.

Ubuntu seems to be stuck on Eclipse 3.2 since at least Feisty Fawn. There are nice features that we are missing out on (Mylyn, inline renames, etc.). Sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk Then update your ~. export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/ Get Ganymede wget tar xzvf eclipse-java-ganymede-linux-gtk.tar.gz mv eclipse eclipse3.4 We should be ready to go: And your nice new Eclipse is up and running. EclEmma is a great code coverage tool. Let me know what you think of the new Eclipse and if there are other plugins you just can not live without. Free, open source, easy-to-use Eclipse distributions and plugins.

EasyEclipse packages together Eclipse, the open-source software development platform, and selected open source plugins. We select, assemble, test, patch, build installers and document a full IDE, offered as reliable distributions and plugins. EasyEclipse is: Free and open-source,Easy to download and install, andSimple to maintain, without version and dependency issues. March 3rd, 2014Passing EasyEclipse on... done! After a couple years of silence, EasyEclipse has found a new owner that wants to carry on with the vision of creating Eclipse packages and at the same time wants to give back to the Eclipse open-source ecosystem. May 25th, 2011Retiring EasyEclipse... or passing it on ? There hasn't been much activity from our side on EasyEclipse. Dynamic Drive- Online Tools. [en] .htaccess Editor.