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Bootstrap 3- 2014

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Buttons. Color : default, primary, info, danger... Size : btn-xs, btn-lg, btn-block. Bootstrap Tutorial 20 Styling buttons using btn classes. Typography. <small> <blockquote> CSS. Get the lowdown on the key pieces of Bootstrap's infrastructure, including our approach to better, faster, stronger web development.


HTML5 doctype Bootstrap makes use of certain HTML elements and CSS properties that require the use of the HTML5 doctype. Include it at the beginning of all your projects. Less. Sass. Thumbnail. Caption. Clearfix. Glyphicon. Bootstrap Tutorial 18 Solution Styling panels and callouts. Visible - Unvisible. Bootstrap Tutorial 19 Exploring Bootstrap's responsive classes including hidden and vis. Panels. Bootstrap Tutorial 18 Solution Styling panels and callouts. <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-heading"><h3>titre</h3></div> <div class="panel-body"> Glyphicon-pushpin. Mobile Design 1rst. 12 colomns grid. Bootstrap Tutorial 9 Exploring Bootstrap's grid system. 4 screen sizes. Large. Class="visible-lg" >1200 px. Medium. Visible-md. 960<x<1200. Small. Visible-sm. 780<x<960.

Extra-small. Visible-xs. <780 px. 12 col grid system. 12 grid logic. 1 row sum = 12 for lg, md, sm. 1 row sum = 24 for xs. Modifiying order of rows. Push / pull. Jumbotron. Bootstrap 3 - 2014. Modèles de sites. Bootstrap Expo. Love Bootstrap - Showcasing The World's Best Bootstrap Sites. Awesome Sites and Apps Built on Bootstrap. Tuto. Bootstrap Tutorial 4 What is Bootstrap. Class="img-responsive" Bootstrap Tutorial 21 Styling images with responsiveness and decorative touches. IE9 and IE10 supported. IE8. Ncessite respond.js. Bootstrap Tutorial 8 Adding JavaScript to a Bootstrap HTML file. Scottjehl/Respond. Install. Ne pas customizer en ligne. Core=rep dist "distribution" dans le zip. Js. Repose sur jquery. jQuery. Jquery 2.x. IE9 and IE10 supported. Jquery 1.xx. IE8 supported. Cdn : distribution network.

Evite de télécharger sur el clinet = plus rapide. Fonts. Glyphicons ( icones redimensionnables) Css. Theme. A partir b3 : flat design, non shading, ... Bootstrap.