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Olivier Olejniczak

TwinStrata CloudArray iSCSI hybrid cloud storage gateway.


Rsync. Freebsd. PowerShell Code Repository. MindMapping. 12 Most Useful Google Chrome Browser Commands. To get to the Menu on Google Chrome browser, click on the “Wrench” icon on the top right-hand corner.

12 Most Useful Google Chrome Browser  Commands

From here you can access certain browser features. However, there are several features that are not available from the Menu, which you can access only using the commands. Some of the features are available under both Menu and commands. Following are the 12 most helpful commands that you should know. 1. From here you can enable some of the experimental features that are hidden in the google Chrome browser. 2. This displays the list of hostnames for which the browser will prefetch the DNS records. 3. Network/IPTables. 1.


Introduction CentOS has an extremely powerful firewall built in, commonly referred to as iptables, but more accurately is iptables/netfilter. Iptables is the userspace module, the bit that you, the user, interact with at the command line to enter firewall rules into predefined tables. Netfilter is a kernel module, built into the kernel, that actually does the filtering. There are many GUI front ends for iptables that allow users to add or define rules based on a point and click user interface, but these often lack the flexibility of using the command line interface and limit the users understanding of what's really happening.

Before we can really get to grips with iptables, we need to have at least a basic understanding of the way it works. Linux (CentOS) en routeur/firewall: passerelle entre eth1 et eth0 ? Kernel Korner - Linux as an Ethernet Bridge. Have you ever been asked to secure a router over which you did not have administrative control?

Kernel Korner - Linux as an Ethernet Bridge

What about when you are on a network you don't own but want to secure the segment are you using? A request similar to this one is what brought me to the wonderful world of Bridge, the Linux Ethernet bridging project. According to the Bridge Web site: [CentOS] Building a basic router with two nic's. - Forums - CentOS 5 - General Support - Firewall for newbie. Installation Guide. Installation of Firewall Builder 3.0 and 2.1Installation of Firewall Builder 4.x Installation of Firewall Builder 5.0.

Installation Guide

Enable RemoteFX on Hyper-V Server SP1. SP1 for Windows 7 / Server 2008 R2 brought about 2 new features.

Enable RemoteFX on Hyper-V Server SP1

Installing them on a standard Windows Server 2008R2 is well document, but requires jumping over some hoops in Hyper-V. Here’s the steps to get it working from scratch, assuming you meet the requirements. 0. Do the following checks before you continue: a. Magikmon MKBackup for ghettoVCB. I was contacted awhile back ago by Alain Spineux, about his MKBackup utility and he was in the very early stages of integrating the software with my ghettoVCB script.

Magikmon MKBackup for ghettoVCB

Per Alain’s website: MKBackup is a free front-end for common backup tools like MS Windows ntbackup, and it successor wbadmin, Un*x tools like tar, but also popular ghettoVCB to backup Virtual Machine on VMware ESX(i) host. MKBackup is developed in Python and is available for Microsoft Windows, for Linux and other Un*x systems. MKBackup is driven by a CLI and jobs are defined in an INI file.

Its main feature is to send an email report including log files and all hints that could help the user to estimate the real status of the backup. - Free alternative for backing up VM's for ESX(i) 3.5, 4.x+ & 5.x - Updated 06/28/2011. DescriptionFeaturesRequirementsSetupConfigurationsUsageSample Execution Dry run ModeDebug backup ModeBackup VMs stored in a listBackup All VMs residing on specific ESX(i) hostBackup All VMs residing on specific ESX(i) host and exclude the VMs in the exclusion listBackup VMs using individual backup policies Enable compression for backupsEmail Backup Logs Restore backups ( FAQStopping ghettoVCB ProcessFAQOur NFS Server ConfigurationUseful LinksChange Log This script performs backups of virtual machines residing on ESX(i) 3.5/4.x/5.x servers using methodology similar to VMware's VCB tool. - Free alternative for backing up VM's for ESX(i) 3.5, 4.x+ & 5.x - Updated 06/28/2011

The script takes snapshots of live running virtual machines, backs up the master VMDK(s) and then upon completion, deletes the snapshot until the next backup. New vSphere Health Check 5.0 & ghettoVCB Script. FAQ: Storage. PBX in a Flash as a Virtual Machine, Take 2: Hyper-V. PBX in a Flash as a Virtual Machine, Take 2: Hyper-V Mark Berry February 16, 2010.

PBX in a Flash as a Virtual Machine, Take 2: Hyper-V

Découverte de ClearOS. CentOS 6 - Zabbix - Install/Configure. [root@dlp ~]# mysql -u root -p Enter password: Welcome to the MySQL monitor.

CentOS 6 - Zabbix - Install/Configure

HOWTO: Mount NFS shares under Windows 7 « Sage Hacks. UNIX and Linux users have long been accustomed to networking over NFS, or Network File System.

HOWTO: Mount NFS shares under Windows 7 « Sage Hacks

It’s been around for a quarter of a century, was made popular by SunOS, and if you can stomach it’s myriad security flaws, it’s always been the quickest, dirtiest way to share files between disparate systems. With the upcoming Windows 7, Microsoft has (finally!) Surveiller vos serveurs Windows avec Nagios. Dans la longue série des billets sur Nagios, en voici un tout spécialement dédié aux lecteurs qui ont à administrer des machines sous Windows. Nous allons décrire l'installation de NSClient, un plugin permettant de récupérer un nombre important de d'informations à surveiller sur une machine Windows. Comme les plugins NRPE et NSCA (disponible seulement sous Linux et Mac OS X), NSClient se base sur une architecture client/serveur. La partie cliente (nommée check_nt), doit être disponible sur le serveur Nagios. XtreemFS - a cloud file system - Welcome. A cloud file system - XtreemFS is a distributed and replicated file system for the Cloud.


Microsoft. Distributed_FileSystem. Programmation. ARM_Netbook. Sur le fil technologique du Réseau des Informaticiens Normands. Fileages: l’antiride de vos données. Windows Drivers CD For XP 2008. Un CD-ROM haut-normand pour découvrir et partager 31 logiciels libres. Dans le cadre de ses ateliers thématiques l’Espace Public Numérique de la Région Haute Normandie a décidé de promouvoir les logiciels libres. Afin de diffuser plus largement les avantages liés à l’utilisation de ces logiciels, le Centre de ressources des EPN de Haute-Normandie a réalisé un cd-rom compilant une trentaine de logiciels répertoriés selon leurs usages (bureautique, multimedia, utilitaires, internet, graphisme, éducatif).


ZFS. Virtualisation. Utilitaires. p2p_Backup. Vidéos Pearltrees. Help.