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Approche générationnelle en entreprise : Intérets / limites

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La révolution Y ! Publié le 19/01/2007 Attention, cet article a été publié le 19/01/2007. Ce dispositif d'archives vous donne accès à l'ensemble des publications du site FocusRH. Assurez-vous de lire les dernières dépèches et dossiers publiés en utilisant notre moteur de recherche Les martiens sont parmi nous ! Et ils n’ont pas l’intention de travailler comme nous. Face à l’arrivée de la génération Y sur le marché du travail (génération née entre 1978 et 1994 et donc âgée de 13 à 30 ans en 2007) les managers des générations précédentes se grattent la tête avec consternation. Et les choses empirent. Mesdames et messieurs, après la génération Y, laissez-moi vous présenter la génération Y prime (Y’) qui pourrait sonner le glas de bien des pratiques établies de l’entreprise : La fin du respect des anciens : La génération des jeunes diplômés ne s’accommode plus de rites de passages. La fin des réunions : Ecrire un email est déjà trop long, mais non que dis-je...écrire un SMS est déjà trop long !

Management Générationnel | Génération Y | Ressources | Styles de management. The Myth of Generational Differences in the Workplace. The conventional wisdom about generational differences in the workplace is mostly wrong, according to a new book by Jennifer J. Deal, a research scientist with the Center for Creative Leadership. The shorthand used to describe the four generations that now make up our nation’s workforce goes something like this: The Silent Generation (born before 1946) values hard work Baby Boomers (born between 1946 and 1964) value loyalty Gen Xers (born between 1965 and 1980) value work-life balance Generation Y (the generation just entering the workforce, also known as Millennials) values innovation and change.

Or, in terms of negative stereotypes, the Silents are fossilized, the Boomers are narcissistic, the Gen Xers are slackers, and the Gen Yers/Millennials are even more narcissistic than the Boomers. Not so, says Deal. “Our research shows that when you hold the stereotypes up to the light, they don’t cast much of a shadow,” says Deal. Summary of Deal’s Findings.

Generation....C / Z ? :)

Approche générationnelle et MANAGEMENT. Approche générationnelle et GRH. Approche générationnelle et FORMATION. Gen Y et Entreprise. Géneration Y & Entrepreneuriat. Millennials Are Like You and Me, Only Different. There’s nothing that different about Millennials that age doesn’t explain. So concludes an interesting study by the Kenexa High Performance Institute on the work attitudes of Millennials. “Millennials are, in fact, much like their older counterparts,” says the study authors, who compared the results of current surveys and historic surveys of Boomers and Gen Xers. What they found is that contrary to the stereotype of being a malcontented, coddled, naive lot, Millennials, the Gen Y generation, are in many ways more satisfied than their older counterparts. “The data refutes the ‘millennial malcontent’ stereotype,” write authors Brenda Kowske and Rena Rasch.

As part of Kenexa’s WorkTrends survey of some 30,000 workers in 28 countries, they asked a series of attitude questions, finding that 60 percent of Millennials are “extremely satisfied” with where they work. That’s well above the 54 percent of Boomers and Gen Xers who said that. I suggest there’s more to it than that.


Knowledge management >> "Partager l'information ? : Un salarié sur deux craint un retour de bâton" | Styles de management. Influenceurs, blogs dédiés, formations. Aspects sociologiques théorisés. "Seniors" Gen Y. Web / Generation Y. Génération Y. GenerationY.

Génération x & Y. Generation Y. Génération Y. Gen X.