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LOISIRS. LU/GARDER. A LIRE. PORTRAITS DE ... Vidéos Pearltrees. La chronique d'Anne Roumanoff. Broadcast Yourself. Pearltrees interface Help & intro Videos. EN PRATIQUE... Intern° Press. BLOGS. SCIENCES. ECONOMIES. ECOLOGIES. Prépa TGI 2012. AIDS/HIV. Marseille, Dis-moi, Marseillle... PETITIONS. War journalism.

CARTOGRAPHIE. ELECTIONS 2012. DSK, suite... sans fin. PSYCHO. P.A. Gay, socialist and born in a squatters' camp – meet the new PM of Belgium - Europe - World. Yet more startling in Belgian terms, he is the first French speaker since 1979 to lead the country, in which 60 per cent are Dutch-speaking.

Gay, socialist and born in a squatters' camp – meet the new PM of Belgium - Europe - World

He is a left-wing prime minister in a country that votes heavily to the right. But there is something else atypical and characteristically Belgian about the his elevation. While Italy and Greece responded to the financial crisis by suspending democracy and appointing technocratic leaders, in Belgium the crisis has shocked back into life a federal democracy that had been in a quarrelsome coma for nearly 18 months. A severe downgrade by the ratings agency Standard & Poor's last month finally obliged Belgium's perennially squabbling, linguistically split political classes to agree a new national government.

How long that government will last is open to question. Social Networks. Paris | Musées. Paris > BARS SALLES CONCERTS. Occupy Movement. Sous l’austérité, l’injustice et les mensonges.


Les ravages de l'été. L’AAH limitée Les conditions d’attribution de l’AAH (Allocation Adulte Handicapé) ont été restreintes en catimini, le 16 août dernier.

Les ravages de l'été

Abaissement de la durée maximale de l’allocation de 5 à 2 ans (pour le taux d’incapacité 50-79 %) ; limitation aux seules personnes pouvant justifier d’une restriction durable d’accès à l’emploi pendant au moins un an ; exclusion si des réponses sont “susceptibles” d’exister en matière d’aménagement du poste de travail ; complication des démarches concernant les personnes à 50-79%. Avec ce décret, passé sans aucune concertation, le ministère de la Santé donne un coup de poignard de plus aux personnes vivant avec une maladie évolutive. Violences à Busan Lors de la Conférence de Busan (Corée du Sud) sur le sida dans la région Asie-Pacifique, des activistes ont organisé une manifestation pacifique le samedi 27 août.

Dentiste à l’ouest. Action. Fondation de France - Mécénat, donation, legs, don, philanthropie, solidarité, fondateur. Nous donnons les moyens d'entreprendre à ceux qui n'ont pas les moyens. Yagg - Le nouveau média pour les lesbiennes, les gays, les bis et les trans. Infos, vidéos, blogs, communauté, débats, VIH... - Where ideas and people meet. 14.06.09. Photo: Raymond Castro, about 1969.


Raymond Castro Interviewed by Jonathan Ned Katz: June 16, 2009“I didn’t know I was going to be part of history” On June 16, 2009, I phoned Raymond Castro to ask if the newly discovered names of his fellow Stonewall arrestees, Marilyn Fowler and Vincent Depaul, rang any bells with him. They didn’t, unfortunately. Castro did recall that the woman with whom he was arrested was slim, about 5 feet, 4 inches tall, had short black hair, and was "not really feminine or masculine.

" He remembered paying his lawyer to defend her, as well as himself. Sweden vs. Assange. Comment j'aurais pu faire perdre 75 000 € au PS et pourquoi je ne l'ai pas fait. Le Mal Pensant. Un blog écrit de la main droite. Par Martin Aurenche et Matthieu Creux. Les Verts sur le point de sortir de la "sortie du nucléaire" Peu remarquée sur le moment, cette évolution sémantique semble bien indiquer l'imminence de l'abandon de la sortie du nucléaire comme préalable à un accord Verts-PS.

Les Verts sur le point de sortir de la "sortie du nucléaire"

Au choix, on qualifiera ce changement de repli stratégique (au nom du réalisme et du souhait d'une victoire de François Hollande à la présidentielle) ou de capitulation en rase campagne. Eva Joly et Cécile Duflot (DAMIEN MEYER / AFP) (8) Photos du mur. Muriel Robin Officiel. Cap21, parti politique humaniste et écologiste, présidé par Corinne Lepage. National Geographic - Inspiring People to Care About the Planet Since 1888. New Dolphin Species Discovered in Big City Harbor. An entirely new species of dolphin has been discovered in Australia, and not in some isolated lagoon but in the shadows of skyscrapers, scientists say. (Related: "New, 'Chubbier' River Dolphin Species Found in Bolivia. ") One of only three new dolphin species found since the 1800s, the Burrunan dolphin—named after an Aboriginal phrase that means "large sea fish of the porpoise kind"—is known from only two populations so far, both in the state of Victoria (map).

About a hundred Burrunan dolphins have been found in Port Phillip Bay (map) near Melbourne, Australia's second most populous city. Another 50 are known to frequent the saltwater coastal lakes of the Gippsland region (map), a couple hundred miles or so away. (Also see "Six Thousand Rare, Large River Dolphins Found in Bangladesh. ") Dolphin DNA Surprise It's long been known that distinct dolphin populations roam off southeastern Australia.

L'Outre-Mer. Journal de l'île de la Réunion, le quotidien d'information dans l'océan Indien. Savage Love by Dan Savage - Seattle Columns - Savage Love - Dan Savage. October 26, 2011 By Dan Savage My boyfriend and I are in college and doing the long-distance thing until June 2013.

Savage Love by Dan Savage - Seattle Columns - Savage Love - Dan Savage

Over the years, he's granted me increasing amounts of freedom to be intimate with women—I'm female, and date women while we're apart—but I still don't have full autonomy. It's much better than it used to be, but lately another one of my "needs" has been eating at me: my masochism. He's repeatedly refused me permission to let someone lay into me with a flogger. I don't even want to have anything sexual with the person who flogs me! University Pain Slut. (2) UNODC - United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.